• Hello there,

    I have spent hours trying to figure this out, with no such luck. For some reason the home page slider jerks quickly back and forth upon loading. The jerking motion seems to be coming from the scroll bar momentarily disappearing… All other pages with sliders are fine, and if I replace this slider with another, it works fine.

    The only difference between this slider and the rest (which are working properly) is the height, which was 450px. When I change the height of the slider to a much larger pixel amount (500px), it does stop the scroll bar from disappearing (and therefore the jerky load), but it ruins the look of my slider.

    This started when I upgraded to the new version of the slider and Kickstart. I assumed it was a Rev Slider issue, but they claim it’s a theme issue. The authors of my theme don’t see the problem on their end either. Hmmmmm…

    So I’m taking it to the brilliant folks at WordPress. ?? I’d appreciate any help you’d be willing to give!


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  • Hi Sharon, This sounds like an issue with the images to me. One thing you might double check is the pixel dimensions of the image that is giving you problems. Generally speaking, it should be the same as the space it is going to fill, and the same as the others in the series.

    I looked at your home page and didn’t see any problem either,

    best, Vernon

    Hi Sharon,

    I have seen your website but I am not seeing issue in revolution slider. Your website had only one slide for Home Page.

    would you please share you problem in screen recording with voice so I may help you to troubleshoot this issue.

    I am very experience WordPress expert.

    Bhoopendra Yadav

    Thread Starter sharongraylac


    Thanks so much for checking!

    The width is the same for all of my sliders (1000px). The only difference is the height. When I trade out the home page slider for one of my others, it works fine (above 500px height).

    SOMETIMES it works fine, but usually not. If you refresh a couple of times, it should happen.

    I thought it was just on a 1400px screen size, but it’s also happening on my 1920px browser size.

    Does that change anything?

    Thanks again!

    Hi, I’m not sure that I’m following everything in your last post. But, if you are saying one of your slider images is a different height from the others in that same slider, I would change it to be the same as the others. (Or are you just comparing one entire slider to another one?)

    Once you do that you might also try deleting that slider, and rebuilding it from scratch. (Possibly it was some in the initial build that wasn’t created correctly.)

    Also, do I correctly infer that you’ve, duplicated the problem on two different machines?

    And finally, the jerking motion, does it stop after a few seconds, or does it keep going indefinitely?

    Thread Starter sharongraylac


    Hello Vernonhorn,

    Thanks for your suggestions!

    I’m comparing the size of two different sliders. There is only one slide in this slider, with a couple of fade in overlays (both small). The only difference between this and my other sliders is the height (the one in question is shorter).

    I did start over from scratch, and as soon as I set the height, the problem occurred again.

    The jerking motion is one quick ubrupt jerk from side-to-side as the home page is loading (caused by the scroll bar disappearing momentarily). It’s minimal, but jarring to me…

    Yes, I’ve seen this happen on both my 1400px laptop, and my new 1920px desktop.

    If it doesn’t happen the first time, when I refresh 1-2 times, it happens again…

    Hope that helps!

    Thanks again,

    Hi Sharon,
    I think I finally made this happen on my work computer, though I still can’t make it happen on my latptop at home. I took a look at this using Google Chrome Developer tools, and only one error came back, though it did look like it could be related. A more experienced developer would probably need to take a look at this.

    You can see this message by opening your website in Google Chrome and using the developer tools option (Customize option on right -> More Tools -> Developer Tools)

    https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=oxygen&ver=4.1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)
    (index):91 Consider using ‘dppx’ units, as in CSS ‘dpi’ means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not correspond to the actual ‘dpi’ of a screen. In media query expression: (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi)

    Thread Starter sharongraylac


    Thanks so much for continuing to try to help me, Vernonhorn!

    I’m not sure what to do with this… It looks like this relates to my Google font, Oxygen. Could that be causing the trouble?? It’s just strange that it only happens when I use a short slider on the home page. I can’t seem to make the connection.

    Sorry, this is really wracking my brain for some reason…

    Thanks again,

    Thread Starter sharongraylac


    It’s been several months now, and my Slider Revolution on my homepage is still jerky.

    I’d love to refresh this thread, in hopes that someone will be able to help me…

    The jerking motion seems to be coming from the scroll bar momentarily disappearing… All other pages with sliders are fine, and if I replace this slider with another, it works fine as well.

    The only difference between this slider and the rest (which are working properly) is the height, which was 450px. When I change the height of the slider to a larger pixel amount (500px), it does stop the scroll bar from disappearing (and therefore the jerky load), but it ruins the look of my slider.

    I’d really like to keep the short slider without this jerking happening. Does anyone have any suggestions?


    P.S. Occasionally the jerking does not happen, but if you refresh once or twice, it will inevitably happen again…?

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