• Is there a way to show the last post completely and below that the excerpts of the five (or so) following posts on the frontpage?

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  • Note to future readers of this thread

    I’ve come to realize there’s a simpler method for running all filters on a post’s content, and one shouldn’t need worry over plugin filters, etc. So instead of the complicated function nesting above, use this:

    echo apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content);

    I was looking over this thread. I have been trying to display the two most recent posts, only as excerpts. This was simple,

    <?php query_posts('posts_per_page=2'); ?>

      $posts = get_posts('numberposts=2');
      foreach ($posts as $post) :

    • \"><?php the_title() ?><?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    • <?php

    easy enough, I still have a few questions though. Where is the excerpt limit declared. For example, where is it set how many characters or words are displayed before the post is cut off. Also, how do I remove the “[…]” when the excerpt is used.


    Nick, you may be interested in this recent thread:


    Especially where I hit on (a) here:


    The wp_trim_excerpt function mentioned is also where the excerpt length is set. Another option may be my plugin:


    I am so confused. I don’t know where to start first. Can someone please tell me what file I should edit first?

    Your active theme’s index.php (Index) would be a good place to start, if you’re looking to alter the diplay of your blog on its home page.

    I used this method, but comments_popup_links for the excerpts does not work. Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

    It’s rather urgent.

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