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  • Ramona


    Hi @colyz93

    I can see two JavaScript errors on your site, which you can check like this:
    JavaScript errors stop every other JavaScript code on the page and prevent them from working, so they need to be solved.

    The error on your site is:
    Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
    the first instance seems to be related to Rocket Loader. The second points to this Autoptimize file:

    These both seem to happen because the jQuery call is made after Rocket Loader’s and Autoptimize’s JS file.

    Since you’re using Autoptimize, I don’t think this would help. Unfortunately, I’m not really familiar with Rocket Loader. Do they have some kind of cache that you can clear? I recommend clearing that.

    Also, try clearing Autoptimize’s cache to ensure that it contains the latest codes for the slider.

    Looking at the slider’s codes, I noticed that some kind of 3rd party lazy loading plugin modifies our code and messes up the images completely. In most cases lazy loading plugins have option to exclude images by class, so try to exclude our images, which have the “.n2-ow” class.

    Looks like you’re asyncing jQuery colyz93, better exclude it from being asynced (or deferred).

    Thread Starter Ahmed Abu Shamia


    @nextend_ramona I choose an option in Rocket Loader to stop java and CSS on no woocommerce pages with no luck

    @optimizingmatters I already have this what do i need to do next?
    Exclude scripts from Autoptimize: wp-includes/js/dist/, wp-includes/js/tinymce/, js/jquery/jquery.js
    i also use Async JavaScript plugin

    in “Async Javascript” make sure jQuery is not asynced/ deferred (exclude it).



    Hi @colyz93

    Which lazy loading plugin are you using? Were you able to find it’s option to exclude images by CSS class? Try excluding “.n2-ow” class, because I can still see the 3rd party codes modifying the slider.

    Thread Starter Ahmed Abu Shamia


    @optimizingmatters thank you i did it with no effect to the slider but i hope it fixes the error

    @nextend_ramona i use EWWW Image Optimization lazy loader i have just disabled it with no effect



    Hi @colyz93

    The 3rd party codes are still there. Do you have any kind of cache on your site? Make sure to clear it.

    I also find it possible that some other optimization plugin is responsible, not EWW. Run a plugin/theme conflict test:
    to find out which one modifies the slider.

    Thread Starter Ahmed Abu Shamia


    @nextend_ramona I found the problem caused by a plugin named: Speed Up – Optimize CSS Delivery
    I deactivated it but i don’t know how will this affect my site

    Plugin Support Gabor


    Hi @colyz93!

    As I see you are using quite a lot of optimization plugins. After a while, this only makes things complicated, but won’t help with the speed of your website, maybe makes it load even slower. The ‘Speed Up – Optimize CSS Delivery’ plugin tries to optimize your CSS files, but you already have Autoptimize for that. The HTML code of your website is minified too, you are using EWWW Image Optimization to lazy load images and you are also using Rocket Loader to try to even optimize the file loading even further. You won’t need “Speed Up – Optimize CSS Delivery”, because it really cannot give more to your website.

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