Hi Pascal — thank you for looking into this! I’ve figured out a workaround but it would still be great to get to the bottom of what’s going on.
Currently I have three users — myself (an Administrator), and two Authors. Here are the behaviors I’m seeing:
- When I use shortcode [rplus_team_list], I am the only user who gets listed. Changing other users’ roles to Administrator causes them to show up too, but any users with the Author role are not listed.
- This part gets really weird… since I currently only have users in Administrator and Author roles, I tried to do a workaround by using shortcode [rplus_team_list role=”Administrator”] followed by shortcode [rplus_team_list role=”Author”]. Initially even using [rplus_team_list role=”Author”] generated a list that showed only Administrators — that’s when I opened this support thread. But then it started working as expected — I have no idea why! So this is the workaround I’m currently using, which you can see in action here: Our Team | Seattle Learning Network.
- I also tried modifying the shortcodes so users would be ordered by role and then by last name, like so: [rplus_team_list role=”Administrator” orderby=”last_name” order=”desc”]
[rplus_team_list role=”Author” orderby=”last_name” order=”desc”]. This causes users to be listed 12 times.
The plugins I have active are Akismet, Contact Form 7, Hide Comment Author Link, Odyno GoogleGroups, Relevanssi, SZ – Google, TablePress, TablePress Extension: Auomatic URL Conversion, The Events Calendar, and WP Team List.
I’m hoping ultimately to find a way to display custom user roles so I can list people on the team as “Organizers” and “Members” instead of “Authors,” but I figure if there’s already some sort of strange plugin interaction going on it’s a good idea to hold off on that for now.
Thanks again for your help!