• System is

    linux > opensuse 14.2 > apache2 (latest)
    linux > opensuse 14.2 > wordpress 4.1.2)

    I can only get “Default” permalinks to work.

    I’ve spent hours on this. There must be an answer:

    ? I’ve checked all the server settings I can find (mod-rewrite enabled, httpd.conf, .htaccess) and paths. I have full control of the server (localhost)

    ? When I change permalink options .htaccess gets properly rewritten.

    So the Apache module mod_rewrite seems to be working.


    ? I’ve checked the PHP settings (/srv/www/htdocs/nptbeyond/index.php) which reside in the same directory as .htaccess, so they are all at home. I tried changing some paths, but that just made the site disappear. I tried deleting .htaccess, but WP just wrote a new one in exactly the same form.

    Thanks in advance,

    [email protected]

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  • You most likely need to actually now install the mod_rewrite module. It is a requirement to get permalinks to work. Please review this with application provider you are using to run your local install and also note that there is a dedicated forum area for local install issues:


    I would post there and then ask that this topic be closed. It may be anyway as you included your email address. I would encourage you not to post your email address on public forums, ever.

    Thread Starter alavarre


    Hi, thank you for the prompt response.

    As I said:

    * I have indeed already installed (and enabled) the mod_rewrite module.

    * I am my own “application provider” through openSUSE downloads.

    This problem is on a localhost/nptbeyond domain under openSUSE 13.2 (not 14.2, sorry) over which I have total control, so as you say it is a local install issue.

    But the issue, while manifested on a local installation, is broader, as it also is manifested on my open server.

    Thanks for the input I’ll go to the link you suggest. But in the meantime shall leave this up here, as I do want a solution.

    Have a nice day.

    Cheers, Andy

    Thread Starter alavarre


    Hi thanks again. No offense intended.

    >Just because a config option is set to enable mod_rewrite, does not mean it is installed and running properly on your server.

    I used (openSUSE) YAST to ensure that mod_rewrite is both present and enabled…

    >Please review it is running by:

    Thanks for the link. A bit arcane for this hour of night, so shall attack in the morning. ??

    >I am sure I could be wrong, just trying to help.

    Thanks. I know I’m wrong, but won’t quit until I get it right. ?? Cheers, I shall report back tomorrow. Thank you.

    Thread Starter alavarre


    Hi. Thanks again for the link.

    I’ve worked through it and cannot find anything wrong. However, I have noted that WordPress renders the same permalink for ALL the options other than Default:
    The link to the test page alternates between:
    https://localhost/nptbeyond/?page_id=70 Default mode
    https://localhost/nptbeyond/test/ **ALL** other modes

    So, WordPress is not recognizing the various different modes: Day and Name, Month and Name, Numeric. Choosing any of these renders the same result: Post name format.

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter alavarre


    Thread Starter alavarre


    A week later and a lot smarter about Apache and mod_rewrite but certainly not an expert and the problem still has not been solved.

    ? If we choose Default?format for the Permalinks then WP writes its section in .htaccess?as empty, as it should be.

    ? If we choose any other format for the Permalinks then WP writes its section in .htaccess?as an <IfModule>??section containing a RewriteRule:

    ??????RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]?
    According to the Apache documentation:


    Pattern?is a regex that I have not yet deciphered

    and Substitution?is a dash.
    ???? –?(dash)A dash indicates that no substitution should be performed (the existing path is passed through untouched). This is used when a flag (see below) needs to be applied without changing the path.

    The flag is [L], which indicates this is the last rule in the block, so this command seems to be saying ignore the rest of this block.

    Which indeed it does.


    TIA, Andy

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