Only Benevolence
Why is it that only the Benevolence Theme will work for my site? I can activate any other theme and all I get is a white screen.
This is weird.
Well, are the other themes you’re trying to use specified for WP1.5? If not, they may not work at all, or only partially. There’s some info on about changing older templates over to 1.5 themes; sorry don’t have the pertinent link handy, but a search for 1.2 and themes or some such should turn it up….
[Edit: Oh – can you see the WPClassic and WPDefault themes?]
Every Theme Installed is for v.1.5. I have:
Minima Plus
Neuron Test
No Limits
Way Too Clean
WP Classic 1.5
WP Default 1.5
WP All Sidebar 1.5The only theme that showed even a portion of my website was Benevolence. All these others only showed a white screen. So, I’ve tweaked Benevolence and that’s what I’m using but I really want a 3 column theme and I can’t find one that will work.
That’s way weird. You’ve changed nothing in any of the themes, right? Just uncompressed them to their own folders and uploaded them? And you have them in just the main “named” folder, not a second-level “encloser” folder? (In other words, when you open the wp-content/themes folder, you see for instance “default” and when you open “default” you see an “images” folder and then the list of php files.)
First, you might check permissions on the folders that don’t work – just in case something wonky happened during upload. I’d then suggest that you open one of the index.php files for a theme that won’t work next to the index. php for Benevolence and see if there’s anything at all that looks like it’s missing or changed somehow. I’ll think about it some more, if I come up with anything else I’ll post again.
Maybe someone brighter than I will come along soon!
Well, I don’t know what else to do but to start from scratch.
I want to build a site that looks like this
Any suggestions on where to begin? Here is a link to my site. How do I begin to arrange my columns to get the desired look? Is it just a matter of adding something to the CSS?
Since none of the 3 column themes even begin to show up for me, I don’t know where to begin.
Well, using Firefox with the Web Developer toolbar installed, you can view source and css for that page, which would give you a place to start. is a 3-col layout – and check out the rest of bluerobot for other ideas, follow some of the links to places like MeyerWeb and AListApart, which can give you more links to css information.
Did you double-check the stuff I asked about earlier? The most logical thing to do really is try to track down why the themes aren’t appearing to begin with….
I have a similar but not identical problem. I did a default install today and the blog works OK, I see no obvious errors.
But when I try and install a new theme, curiously I was trying to get a three column design as well, I can’t get it to register in the panel, it’s just not there. The two defaults work fine and I can switch between them.
As far as I know I am using only 1.5 ver themes from this site.
Here is a thread I started on the subject earlier today.
I wish I could figure it out, I really wanted to use WP for my site.
Just as a check-point (because I haven’t any 3-col themes – they’re too “busy” for me), I downloaded Journalized Sand, one of the competition themes, from Alex King’s site. It’s 3 column, and while that shouldn’t have anything to do with it, it’s interesting that both of you were looking for that layout. I installed it and it displays just fine OOB. But then, I’m not having a problem installing/displaying themes myself, so that’s probably not much help – maybe does begin to rule out that 3 col layouts are the problem, I don’t know. I suppose it can’t hurt for you to try this one as well….
[Edit: I honestly think it’s a problem with wp finding the files. I don’t know enough about php or wp as yet to be much help though….]
One other thing. On your servers, have you guys left the WP default theme there? Another thread seems to indicate that the functionality of a particular plugin for theme-switching doesn’t work without the default (that is, “Kubrick”) theme installed on the server…
Don’t know if there’s any congruence there, just cogitating….
I left the default themes in the themes folder and took them out, made no difference.
All of my themes are in folders as they should be. For example:
Wordpress/Themes/BricksI tried the Journalized Sand theme and got the same result: White Screen.
I think I’ll just try to modify what I have into three columns. That would probably be easier than chasing the white screen rabbit.
I fixed my problem — it had to do with permissions. The major problem was SEL was turned on for httpd. I had to disable SEL, put the folders in the directories then turn it back on.
You should make sure all your files have the appropiate permissions.
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