Hey adage,
Sorry for the trouble! This limit was set to ensure that the server wouldn’t timeout or reach a memory limit before displaying or exporting registrations for an event. Making it safe to display more than 300 registrations at once is something we plan on addressing soon.
In the mean time, you could try one of the following:
1) Delete 300 records so the last 200 records could then be exported
2) Change the line of code that limits the number of records to 300. This is line 95 of the file class-rtec-admin-events.php found in the inc/admin directory:
$this->records_to_retrieve = 300;
to this:
$this->records_to_retrieve = 500;
Otherwise I’ll see if an update can be made within the next few weeks to address this. Let me know if you need more help or have questions!
– Craig