Ongoing issues: (1) no line breaks in e-mail; (2) unsubscribe not working
Hello. Thank you for your great plug-in – however, we have two outstanding issues that need to rectified. Any input would be appreciated.
1. E-mails to subscribers are being sent out in one long stream with
no line breaks. There are no line breaks, paragraph breaks, bullet/numbering breaks, etc. Subscribers are reporting e-mails are too difficult to read without proper formatting.2. This was mentioned in a earlier post: Unsubscribe does not seem to work. The users follow the unsubscribe procedure, but when the process is almost complete they experience no text displayed on the Unsubscribe Confirmation Page; the user is not ‘unsubscribed’ (or deleted from the Users list) and still receives e-mails. This is a critical function of the subscribe plugin that needs to work correctly for us.
Any insight into solving these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.
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