• Hello Everybody.
    I’m currently using Onengine Theme (https://www.enginethemes.com/themes/oneengine/) to build my website.
    There is a Portfolio section which shows the thumb img of your project, when the mouse point to the image, it will have hover effect with a magnifying glass icon (fa fa-search) in the middle.

    I want to delete the magnifying glass icon and I want the project’s title to show when hover so people will know the name of the project when the mouse point to the picture.

    Now I figured out how to delete the magnifying glass icon, but I don’t know how to put a script to show the title of the project…

    I stuck here for few days and can’t find out the answer to that…Hope someone can help me… Thanks!!!

    Here is the portfolio block php (et-portfolio-block.php):

    <?php /**
    * This file control blog block
    * @package OneEngine
    * @package EngineThemes
    if( ! class_exists( ‘OE_Portfolio_Block’ ) ) :
    class OE_Portfolio_Block extends AQ_Block {
    function __construct() {
    $block_options = array(
    ‘name’ => __( ‘ET Portfolio’, ‘oneengine’),
    ‘size’ => ‘span12’,
    //create the block
    function form($instance) {
    $defaults = array(
    ‘margin_bottom’ => ’10’,
    ‘span_column’ => ‘span4’,
    ‘hide_filter’ => ‘0’,
    $instance = wp_parse_args($instance, $defaults);
    global $include_animation ;
    global $include_button_effect;
    <p class=”description”>
    <label for=”<?php echo $this->get_field_id(‘margin_top’) ?
    <?php _e(‘Margin top’,’oneengine’ ); ?>
    <?php echo aq_field_input(‘margin_top’, $block_id,
    $margin_top, ‘min’, ‘number’) ?> px
    </label> – 
    <label for=”<?php echo $this-
    >get_field_id(‘margin_bottom’) ?>”>
    => ’12’,
    => ‘None’,
    => ‘0’,
    => ’10’,
    => ‘300’,
    <?php _e(‘Margin bottom’,’oneengine’ ); ?>
    <?php echo aq_field_input(‘margin_bottom’, $block_id,
    $margin_bottom, ‘min’, ‘number’) ?> px
    <p class=”description”>
    <label for=”<?php echo $this-
    >get_field_id(‘p_number’) ?>”>
    <?php _e(‘Quantity of porfolio items.
    ( * Note : with the value \’-1\’, all item will be
    displayed ! )’,’oneengine’ ); ?>
    <?php echo aq_field_input(‘p_number’, $block_id,
    $p_number, ‘min’, ‘number’) ?>
    <p class=”description”>
    <label for=”<?php echo $this-
    >get_field_id(‘hide_filter’) ?>”>
    <?php _e(‘Hide
    filter ?’,’oneengine’ ); ?>
    <?php echo
    aq_field_checkbox(‘hide_filter’, $block_id, $hide_filter) ?>
    <?php }
    function block($instance) {
    = ”;
    $terms = get_terms( ‘portfolio_cat’,
    array(‘hide_empty’ => false) );
    if($hide_filter == true || $hide_filter == 1 )
    $display_filter = ‘ display-none’;
    <div class=”portfolio-cat-wrapper container <?php echo
    $display_filter ?>”>
    <div class=”row”>
    <div class=”col-md-12″>
    <ul class=”portfolio-category”

    • <a
      id=”all_click” href=”#” data-filter=”*”>
      <span class=”icon-categories”><i
      class=”fa fa-align-justify”></i></span>
      _e( ‘All’, ‘oneengine’ ); ?>

      foreach ($terms as $term) {

    • data-filter=”.<?php echo $term->slug ?>”>
      class=”icon-categories”><?php echo oe_get_tax_icon($term->term_id) ?
      <?php echo $term->name ?>
    • <?php }

      echo ‘<div class=”portfolio-list isotope animation-
      wrapper” id=”portfolio_list”>’;
      global $post;
      $query = new WP_Query(array(
      ‘post_type’ => ‘portfolio’,
      ‘posts_per_page’ => $p_number
      ‘portfolio_cat’ );
      $class ?>”>
      >ID ?>”>
      $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID,
      $class = ”;
      foreach ($terms as $term) {
      $class .= $term->slug.’ ‘;
      } }
      <div class=”item isotope-item <?php echo
      <a href=”#” data-id=”<?php echo $post-
      <?php the_post_thumbnail( ‘portfolio-

      <a href=”#”
      thumb’, array(‘class’ => ‘et-portfolio-thumbnail img-responsive’) ); ?
      <div class=”hover”><span><i class=”fa fa-search”></
      echo ‘</div>’;
      echo ‘<div id=”portfolio_content”>
      class=”port-control col-md-12″>
      class=”prev” href=”#”><span class=”arrow-port left”></
      span>  ‘.__(‘Prev’,’oneengine’).’
      href=”#” class=”close-port”><i class=”fa fa-times”></i>
      href=”#” class=”next”>’.__(‘Next’,’oneengine’).’  <span
      class=”arrow-port right”></span>
      <div class=”port-
      function before_block($instance) {
      echo ‘<div id=”aq-block-‘.$template_id.’-‘.$number.'”
      class=”aq-block aq-block-‘.$id_base.'”>’;
      echo ‘<div id=”portfolio-page” class=”portfolio-
      wrapper” style=”margin:’.$margin_top.’px 0 ‘.$margin_bottom.’px;”>’;
      function after_block($instance) {
      } }
      echo ‘</div>’;
      echo ‘</div><!– END ET-PORTFOLIO-BLOCK–>’;
      <div class=”container”>
      <div class=”row”>
      aq_register_block( ‘OE_Portfolio_Block’ );

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