• Hi. I recently built a small site for a podcast. As it is, the blog posts are all podcasts which get pulled into iTunes via the PowerPress plugin. The client asked me today if I could add another blog to the site to be used as an actual blog for writing. He wants two separate feeds—the existing one for the podcast and a new one for the blog. What’s the best way to go about doing this?

    The research I’ve done seems to suggest installing multisite, but that seems like overkill for just a small site. Wouldn’t it be better to just create a new category or custom post type for the new blog and then separate the feeds via custom category or post type templates? What do you think? What’s the best practice for something like this?

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  • No…I don’t suggest multi-site unless you need to build a whole network of sites with different capabilities. One option would be to just seperate the posts by categories. You may need to reconfigure things so PowerPress only grabs the correctly categorized posts to send to iTunes for pod casting. Otherwise, all the posts – blog or podcast – would show up on the “blog” page but could be filtered by the category. In fact you could “hide” the main blog page and instead have two different “pages” that are really just category filters. Selecting one page would show all the posts of that particular category.

    Anyway, that would be one approach.

    Thread Starter mcography


    @bemdesign Thanks, that’s what I was thinking. I’ll have to look and see if PowerPress allows feeds to be separated by category.

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