• In widget_logic.php file, line 239, there’s a text chain (“Widget logic:”) which is not prepared to be translated.

    Although the functionality of Widget Logic plugin is not affected by the english text, I think it could be useful to be able to translate it, especially from the point of view of non advanced users. For example, in spanish “Lógica del widget:” or “Condiciones del widget:” (this one is my own translation) are much easier to understand than “Widget logic”.


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  • point taken. I’ll try to add this to the dev and get it into the next minor release. I don’t intend that to be for a while though as I’ve had a run of releases trying to fix silly little bugs.

    I’m still a bit hazy on running translations – if I add that extra bit on line 239, I’m fairly sure I need to update the .pot file. Do all the .mo and .po files HAVE to be updated, or can it work without those getting updated?

    Thread Starter Eduardo Larequi


    They have to be updated. Anyway, the plugin works fine without the new translation.

    And thanks for accepting my suggestion!

    Thread Starter Eduardo Larequi


    Here you have the spanish translation, which includes “Widget logic:” text chain.

    ha, i see you had a placeholder in the original ES.po file ready for this ??

    will DEV all this and get on to the DE translator too. Thanks again.

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