• Resolved theabsurdman


    hi, i have got paypal express checkout working .. sort-of. payments are being taken OK but I have a couple of problems.

    1/ the paypal order page is showing the order description but NOT the order amount; a message is displayed under the description: “You’ll be able to see your order details before you pay”; and the user gets a CONTINUE button.

    2/ upon clicking CONTINUE, the user gets redirected back to my return page with the tranasction complete, apparently skipping the order confirmation stage.

    this is confusing for the user. is there a setting in paypal or the plugin that forces a one-step checkout at the paypal end thus presenting the user with a PAY button (not CONTINUE) and suppressing the confirmation step and message?

    thanks for any assistance.


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  • Thread Starter theabsurdman


    Hi, I fixed it! here’s the step-by-step solution for anybody interested:

    – Go to “Paypal Express Checkout” in “WordPress Plugins” and click on “Edit”
    – From the right panel select the Plugin file: paypal-express-checkout-classes-paypalapi.php
    – Search for “_express-checkout”. there will be 2 instances found.

    – replace each with “_express-checkout&useraction=commit” ie. the code should now read:

    if ( get_option('paypal_environment') == 'sandbox' )
              header('Location: https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&useraction=commit&token='.$result['TOKEN']);
            elseif ( get_option('paypal_environment') == 'live' )
              header('Location: https://www.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&useraction=commit&token='.$result['TOKEN']);

    – click “Update File”
    – reload your payment page and try an express checkout.
    – when you go the paypal, the “Your rder summary” panel will now display the item totals correctly and there will be a “Pay Now” (not “continue”) button.

    Great plugin now. many thanks to the author.


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