• My site: blog.neilnatic.com is obviously self hosted, but for some reason one page seems to get a lot of spam. My other posts get nearly non and this one will get at least 100 per day (yeah i know… my site is small ?? )

    What is it about this page that gets so much spam? I have recaptcha installed and still get a bunch.. actually I may be getting more since i installed it… but i could be wrong on that.

    The link to the page getting spammed is: https://www.neilnatic.com/blog/my-kegerator-build/

    Any ideas as to why this would be getting hit more than anything else on my site???

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  • I’ve no idea why that page should attract more same than any other on your site. Perhaps it simply has the best Page Rank? But your situation does illustrate that captchas generally are a total waste of time as, sooner or later, they will be broken. You might be better off using Akismet to keep your spam under control.

    Thread Starter nnatic


    i have that installed also, but i dont know if recaptcha disables it… any other ideas?

    Recaptcha shouldn’t interfere with Akismet. They work in very different ways that are unlikely to conflict. Other than that, I think it may simply be that post’s content. Maybe it includes keywords that spammers tend to aim for?

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