• Gμ?rD???


    I didn’t listen to all the people who said this plugin doesn’t work right, figuring as an advanced user, I should be able to figure it out, even if its not perfect.

    I don’t know how this plugin is getting all these high reviews but its a clear sign that those who blindly praise it have no clue how deficient this plugin really is and I should have listened to the few who actually had technical experience with it.

    1. It doesn’t send mail and when it does its so hit and miss there is NO WAY IN HELL you can rely on it, KNOWING it was sent, that’s lame to say the least.

    2. The server is configured perfectly, all other plugins using the mail server work just fine, just this one can’t send anything out with any degree of reliability, even internal test messages are hit and miss, ridiculous.

    3. Finally, when you click on “totally remove this plugin” it gives warning about are sure and then does absolutely NOTHING, just sits there with a blank page like an idiot, that is the kind of reliability you can expect with it.

    I guess providing a broken plugin with no means of support unless you pay for a dysfunctional product is the way they have chosen to go. You can’t get any help when it doesn’t work, unless you sign up for a forum and hope someone responds or pay for a broken product only to get support, that’s just terrible. VERY VERY VERY DISAPPOINTED.

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  • Plugin Support Michael Travan


    Thanks for your accurate, technical, balanced and polite rating of our plugin, “Gμ?rD???”.
    I could easily forget your comment and keep relying on that marvellous thing called “average rating” (that happens to be very very high in our case) but I find I will have way more fun to prove you’re wrong and that all your critics have an explanation that doesn’t involve coding issues from our side.

    Now. From my point of view, you have three choices:

    1. Don’t answer. In this way, all the other people stumbling on this thread will consider you as an unreliable, untrustworthy reviewer.

    2. Answer and still don’t bring any proof into the discussion. See point n.1.

    3. Answer and explain point by point what your issues are, with precise infos on your server specs, and real-world examples. Then we will able to respond and to help you out solving those issues. After that, if you’ll still believe our plugin is garbage, you will be able to write so.

    P.s. We provide a contact form and a support forum on our website, which thousands of free users are happily using every day to get in touch with us. We do not force anyone to buy anything in order to get support. This must be clear.

    What do you say, Gμ?rD??? ?
    Up for a challenge ? ; )


    Thread Starter Gμ?rD???


    I don’t need childish challenges because I don’t say what I don’t mean and I mean everything I say, so don’t try your childish games with me, the fact that you find it enjoyable challenge to be ignorant, is not a sign of a good developer, just a weak personality. But sure, I will amuse you because I am reliable as a reviewer and trying to cast doubt on it by suggesting that ignoring your ignorant reply suggest you are right, is pathetic logic. Just means you are not worth my time; but I feel generous.

    I gave you exactly what fails, what proof would you suggest I provide to you to show that messages are not being sent? Absent messages in the void or not at all sent? Want me to show you god while I am it too? You are deflecting because chances are you know the problems are real and are trying to deflect by putting it on others, that’s fine, pathetic but fine, your choice but needless to say that I am reliably ending this conversation unless you have something intelligent to add, otherwise whatever troll comment you make to try and goad me, will be ignored. Others can take it however they’d like.

    By the way, regarding the support:

    Premium support is only available to customers (login here) but you can use the forums to send general support requests.
    Get Priority support with our subscription plans!
    Thank you.

    You can submit to forum but no direct support unless you pay for it.

    Plugin Author Stefano Lissa


    Hi, I have not see a support request till now. This topic seems to me a review.

    The free support forum is on https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com, maybe you used it before leave your rate and no one responded? And more a free plugin should have instant support even it for free?

    About your issue number one:

    1. It doesn’t send mail and when it does its so hit and miss there is NO WAY IN HELL you can rely on it, KNOWING it was sent, that’s lame to say the least.

    When a plugin sends an email (you used the diagnostic tool with both the options a) send with WordPress and b) send with Newsletter), the mail is delivered to your local mail system. If your local mail system reply “ok” but then the email is droppend, enqueue, lost, the plugin cannot know.

    Yes, it’s a technical oddity, but it happens. Have you asked the provider about that?

    Let me know.


    Thread Starter Gμ?rD???


    I didn’t submit one since you have to pay for it, I decided to document my experience and all the bugs. I don’t need to pay for support of a software that doesn’t work as-is

    Stefano, you should have handled it to begin with and things would have been different but instead of addressing the issues, he decided to be a child, you need to pack your projects with professionals.

    While I do appreciate your response Stefano and I respect you personally, this experience is done and the response failed to be professional about it. Insulting and attacking your reviewers for pointing out legitimate experiences, is just bad practice.

    Plugin Author Stefano Lissa


    What the hell are you saying?

    “I didn’t submit one since you have to pay for it”.

    The WP forum associated on every free plugin on WP repository is free, the forum on https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com is free. We have even a contact form on our site for who is unable to use the forum.

    The only restricted access is to the ticket system which is reserved to customers which bought the premium version.

    Leaving a 1 star review without before trying to get support and expose your test results from the diagnostic panel and accepting that eventually your blog/hosting could have problems is a really hurting behavior. And eventually childish.

    So don’t be surprised if someone get really angry.

    I answer daily to support requests and eventually debug the problematic blogs finding 99% of the times it’s a hosting problem, or a server problem, or another plugin/theme problem. And you can believe me since I maintain Newsletter since years.

    And I’m really DISAPPOINTED to read comments like your lying about only paid support as if WE deliberately release bugged plugins to get paid.

    Have a nice day.

    Discussion closed.


    Thread Starter Gμ?rD???


    There is absolutely NO VALID REASON for a developer to behave the way he did and manufacture conflict and also say things that are false.

    I don’t need to create yet another forum account so I can ask a question that may or may not get answered. The contact for being used for support, well you might want to clarify that because most people don’t use the regular business contact form to ask for support, that’s what the support link is for. Especially that your contact form clearly says:

    For support please use our forum.
    If you are a customer, use this form to get priority support.

    You could have very well asked for all that information and if resolved then it would show your integrity and reputation and it would have resulted in a change in review but instead you chose to attack and be insulting, that’s all on you.

    Your disappointment should be squarely with yourself and your staff.

    Plugin Support Michael Travan


    Please show me where exactly I “insulted” and “attacked” you. To my eyes, those are only an excuse to hide the fact you either haven’t or won’t show evidences of our plugin not working. That’s what my “challenge” was about: show us proofs of your issues, let us replicate them, take a screenshot, and we will be able to help you out (and we are still willing to do this!).

    Still received nothing from your side.
    Take care,


    Plugin Author Stefano Lissa


    Newsletter is a free plugin. It’s not a requirement to support user of a free plugin but we do.

    The official free plugin page


    has a link to the support forum provided, freely, by www.remarpro.com. See on bottom left: you are not required to create an account in our site forum.

    Still you didn’t requested a support but went directly to write review starring the plugin as low as possible. You’re free to do that, we are free to answer.

    You could have asked for support, why you did not?


    Thread Starter Gμ?rD???


    @michael, you have no credibility if you are trying to pretend you didn’t do anything wrong, so I am done with you.

    @stefano, any developer that says I don’t have to support it for free but I do so I am doing you a favor is grossly ignorant. If you don’t want to support it for free, the users who are the guinea pigs that report and resolve your issues so your paying customers stay paying, then don’t release it. If you do, then you are responsible for it, period.

    I am done with this whole thread and nothing has changed my “experience” here, and that is entirely legitimate since MY EXPERIENCE includes everything involved, including this, and nothing has changed it. So I am not committing any more time to this, no more replies will be coming.

    Plugin Author Stefano Lissa


    Uh? I can be responsible for the plugin, for correct and safe code as my best level, but surely not to diagnose problems of each plugin user in their environment.

    Specially if such user does not ask for support. ??

    I released bugged versions, on my fault, I was reported and I suddenly corrected the code. This si my responsibility and I never missed to take care of that.

    200.000 (active) installations demonstrates that. And I’m pretty sure many users removed the plugin because not working on their blog (I created many other plugins and this is a common story to each plugin coder), but I cannot be responsible to make it works on each possible blog and each possible installation.

    When a (kind) support requests come in, I try to find time for that specific user to help him. But, at the end, there is a compromise to accept: or I develop this plugin for the benefit of many, or I use all my time to support problematic installation reaching the point to have a plugin which works on every possible blog but so old to be useless.

    No one is discussing you expressed your opinion and your rating, but how you expressed it. And specially the misinformation you spread saying the support can be reached only paying.

    That’s false. Definitively.

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