Cant contact OneAll
I subscribe to OneAll on 5 August 2014. I set up API and it worked well with social login, but OneAll slowed my website down so badly that i have to delete the plugin. My website speed was 96 and it went down to 62 after OneAll installation. I deleted the plugin from my web admin, the server still keep api.oneall which still slows my site down badly.
So i deleted my account in OneAll and sent a letter to OneAll via contact page to cancel my account but it has been over 10 days, i have not gotten any reply back from them.
I am still finding a way to contact them so i checked the receipt but the invoice from OneAll, did not include their email or phone number of their company. How could you trust a company that not reveal their contact information to paying customers. Now i don’t know how to contact them any more since they don’t reply my message via the contact page. There is no way i could contact them except writing here.
I cant do anything even if they keep charging me monthly payment.
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