• Hi, I manage a site using OptionTree and I have one option set that is just a Text type of field and it’s used for the entire anchor tag, open bracket and a thru close bracket. I had an onclick in there for a long time that was used for triggering the chat and a couple other things. I just went to adjust it and saved and the onclick disappeared. It seems like that is being filtered out. Can you tell me if this is a change related to OptionTree or do you think it is something else just a general change in the WordPress editor? I see the plugin TinyMCE also made a change to filter out onclick from anchors between their version 3 and 4 so that could be related since we do have that plugin installed. I don’t know how they all interact though. Any tips are appreciated! Thanks.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by HikingMike.
  • The topic ‘Onclick removed from value in text field’ is closed to new replies.