• The code below, always sends an email record as Contact 7 is configured, stores the request per Contact 7 Storage plugin, and forwards the user the the specified /free-trial-thank-you/ page.

    on_sent_ok: “var s= document.getElementsByName(“email”)[0].value; s = ‘https://na1.myservername.com/serverside/myscript.py/?t&email=’+s; var img = new Image; img.onload = function () { location = ‘/free-trial-thank-you/’; }; img.src=s; “

    The remainder of the code pings a python script on myservername with the submitted email address where we in turn generate a set of temporary credentials for a trial version and return them to the specified email address. This works every time we test it in house and remotely, but periodically fails for some actual users once every day or so.

    Any ideas as to why? Better approaches?


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