• Resolved Esch


    As many others have stated on this site, I am also dismayed that the ON_SENT_OK will be removed from your glorious plugin. The problem is even though you say it will work till end of the year, it no longer works NOW. I just did a test with one of my forms and it no longer redirects like it use to. I still get that the form was sent successfully and I do get the email with the data in it, but it doesn’t redirect anymore.

    I am not a programmer, many of us on here are not programmers. The new DOM Event option is not user friendly for us non programmers. PLEASE implement a way in your plugin to allow us to redirect.

    The thing is in my particular case, I need to be able to redirect outside of my site. I run art classes, and people will sign up and then will be redirected to my SQUARE page for payment. This is pretty vital for me and now that ON_SENT_OK is no longer working, I’m scrambling to fix it.

    I found your page (https://contactform7.com/redirecting-to-another-url-after-submissions/) with the DOM equivalent, but to me this is a one size fits all solution and doesn’t fit my needs. I have many forms, and each form goes to a different location, some externally, others not, and to insert this code in the template file looks like it will redirect every single form to the same place, which is not what I need or what. This code needs to work like ON_SENT_OK and give us the option to redirect anywhere we want on a form by form basis.

    PLEASE come up with an easier solution to this. ON_SENT_OK was brilliant for us non programmers, and this new change to it is not easy or user friendly. ??

    Thanks for reading.

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  • I also like to use an easy way to send the user to another page of my domain after sending the contact form 7.

    Can you help me with the correct good working code, so that I can chosse a different page to send the user for every single contact form 7?

    If I use this code:

    document.addEventListener( ‘wpcf7mailsent’, function( event ) {
    location = ‘https://example.com/&#8217;;
    }, false );

    I con only choose one page for all forms.
    I need to set different pages for diffenet forms.

    Hoep you can help me.

    Best regards

    I’m having the same issue.

    I completely agree with Esch. The great thing about the function on_sent_ok was that one can use a different url for each form. The DOM equivalent is really no alternative for this, as the ‘thank-you’ message I redirect to, is not the same for the different kind of forms I use.

    I do hope for a good solution!

    yeah i’m having the same issue too, I have alot of forms on my site and it is all redirecting to different thank you pages. The DOM function cannot do this.
    Pls reconsider to keep the on_sent_ok function alive. Thanks ??

    Thread Starter Esch


    I just wanted to give an update on this. I found a brand new CF7 plugin that redirects and lets you use external links! WOOT! Thank you to whoever made this plugin!


    This is great news! I did a quick test on one of my sites, and it looks like it’s working just as I wished. Thanks for sharing, @esch!



    Hi @esch can we able to redirect to the file uploaded in wp-content using the WPCF7-Redirect.I have tried it I can’t do that.Can you help me in this

    Thread Starter Esch


    It’s not my plugin but I think it should be possible because you can enter external urls. Copy/paste the url that goes directly to the file and put it in the “external url” box, then make sure to checkbox the option below that so it knows to use that link. In theory it should work….?

    OMG. Esch!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

    The plugin works perfectly, simple and enables a SINGLE external file. HOWEVER, it would be really appreciated if the plugin could support MULTIPLE external files to be referenced.

    Redirect is 1 thing, but you can’t do all your analytics stuff too.
    If DOM is important, @takayukister could have the plugin export DOM like the new plugin.

    Here is why the new ‘way’ is stupid.

    But he’s been completely silent about this issue.

    Also note he will sneakily change your Status: resolved because he doesn’t want to address the obvious concerns.

    Just to add another dismayed note here. I use many CF7 instances on several sites, mainly to keep track of events during PPC campaigns. I didn’t read anything of the EXTREMELY useful on_sent_ok setting being deprecated…today I checked the suggested updates on one of my sites and saw the CF7 5.0 alert. Usually I update CF7 without particular worries, it never gave me any issue, but being a major version update, I (wisely) decided to check the changelog. This particular decision is INSANE, for two reasons: 1) it completely breaks ALL forms using the old setting, without giving ANY warning (I checked)
    2) it absolutely doesn’t provide any serious viable alternate solution. The suggested “direct functions.php edit” solution looks like a temporary workaround. If security issues are at stake here, it DEFINITELY should be provided another built-in solution, without any plugins (it’s a basic, and I’d say FUNDAMENTAL feature, not a strange rare specific need!!).

    Hi @takayukister

    can you please create option in additional settings to hide form after successful send

    when I wrap my contact form in “<div id=”asaphide”>” like this

    <div id="asaphide">
    <p>Your Name (required)<br />
     [text* your-name minlength:3 maxlength:30] </p>
    <p>Your Email (required)<br />
     [email* your-email minlength:3 maxlength:30] </p>
    <p>Your Message<br />
     [textarea your-message] </p>
    <p>[submit "Send"]</p>

    it used to work great with such a simple code in Additional Settings
    on_sent_ok: "document.getElementById('asaphide').style.display = 'none';"

    now with Contact Form 7 version 5.0 it is a mess

    I have to add this to functions.php

    // WPCF7 hide form after send
    add_action('wp_footer', 'wpcf7_hide_on_sent_ok');
    function wpcf7_hide_on_sent_ok(){?>
     document.addEventListener( 'wpcf7mailsent', function( event ) {
     // location = '/thank-you';
     document.getElementById('asaphide').style.display = 'none';
     }, false );
    <?php }

    still, I have to worry after every theme update to re-apply code again
    it doesn’t work in Child theme functions.php

    I have some websites that already have Child Theme on top of Storefront (Parent theme) so I have to create double child just because of Contact Form 7

    it makes all the sense to hide fields after message has been sent successfully, it is very clear to the website visitor when they are left with nothing more then a “thank you for your message” otherwise we had people filling out the same form again and again, because they didn’t saw “thank you for your message”

    when fields are gone, and only thank you message is left, there are no doubts!

    Kind Regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by peraburek.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by peraburek.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by peraburek.

    I cam across this in a different post. It might help others so here it is:

    function mycustom_wp_footer() {
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    document.addEventListener( ‘wpcf7mailsent’, function( event ) {
    if ( ‘####’ == event.detail.contactFormId ) {
    location = ‘https://yourcoolwebsitehere.ca/content/’;
    }, false );
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    document.addEventListener( ‘wpcf7mailsent’, function( event ) {
    if ( ‘####’ == event.detail.contactFormId ) {
    location = ‘https://yourcoolwebsitehere.ca/content2/’;
    }, false );

    Add the above to the bottom of your fuctions.php page. To add additional forms to the “list” copy the code below and insert it just above <?php. Also replace the #### with your form ID.

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    document.addEventListener( ‘wpcf7mailsent’, function( event ) {
    if ( ‘####’ == event.detail.contactFormId ) {
    location = ‘https://fullsiteaddress.com/content/’;
    }, false );

    Hope this helps

    Contact Form 7 Controls includes an easy option to redirect to URL on form submission.

    The method used is based on new approach recommended by the CF7 plugin author.

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