Hrm… not sure I’m explaining this the right way.
the default output for the <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’); ?> tag is this for every link: (sorry, i’m using brackets for the a link)
<li class=”page_item”>[a href=”″ title=”About Page”]About[/a]
If I have 5 pages, they all end up with that exact same markup. Now if I’m page 4, the about page, for example, and I want that single page to have a different background in the navigation… I’m going to need to add an ‘onstate’ class to the releveant a link.
So wordpress will have to know that I am currently on page 4, and that since i’m on page 4, it needs to style the link to page 4 in the navigation differently by adding a class to the a tag.
I have been looking for plugins to do this, but i don’t see any. It’s pretty standard user interface stuff to want to have your navigation display like this. I’ve been poking around and trying to re-format the ‘template_functions_post’ file which contains the actual function i’m looking at:
function wp_list_pages($args = ”) {
parse_str($args, $r);
if ( !isset($r[‘depth’]) )
$r[‘depth’] = 0;
if ( !isset($r[‘show_date’]) )
$r[‘show_date’] = ”;
if ( !isset($r[‘child_of’]) )
$r[‘child_of’] = 0;
if ( !isset($r[‘title_li’]) )
$r[‘title_li’] = __(‘Pages’);
if ( !isset($r[‘echo’]) )
$r[‘echo’] = 1;
$output = ”;
// Query pages.
$pages = & get_pages($args);
if ( $pages ) {
if ( $r[‘title_li’] )
$output .= ‘<li class=”pagenav”>’ . $r[‘title_li’] . ‘
// Now loop over all pages that were selected
$page_tree = Array();
foreach ( $pages as $page ) {
// set the title for the current page
$page_tree[$page->ID][‘title’] = $page->post_title;
$page_tree[$page->ID][‘name’] = $page->post_name;
// set the selected date for the current page
// depending on the query arguments this is either
// the createtion date or the modification date
// as a unix timestamp. It will also always be in the
// ts field.
if ( !empty($r[‘show_date’]) ) {
if ( ‘modified’ == $r[‘show_date’] )
$page_tree[$page->ID][‘ts’] = $page->post_modified;
$page_tree[$page->ID][‘ts’] = $page->post_date;
// The tricky bit!!
// Using the parent ID of the current page as the
// array index we set the curent page as a child of that page.
// We can now start looping over the $page_tree array
// with any ID which will output the page links from that ID downwards.
if ( $page->post_parent != $page->ID)
$page_tree[$page->post_parent][‘children’][] = $page->ID;
// Output of the pages starting with child_of as the root ID.
// child_of defaults to 0 if not supplied in the query.
$output .= _page_level_out($r[‘child_of’],$page_tree, $r, 0, false);
if ( $r[‘title_li’] )
$output .= ‘
$output = apply_filters(‘wp_list_pages’, $output);
if ( $r[‘echo’] )
echo $output;
return $output;
so somewhere in there I should be able to tell it, ‘if this is the current page’ then ‘output this class in the link’.
Thanks for your help people!