Hi @wp-henne ,
you’re right, that would be a bad solution. I hadn’t considered the membership site.
If you add the following code (marked bold) to floating-contact.php:
$fcb_shortcode = get_option( ‘fcb_options’ )[‘fcb_field_shortcode’];
if ( is_page( ‘357’ )) {
echo ‘ <i class=”fcb-icons”><span class=”dashicons dashicons-format-chat”></span></i>‘;
echo ‘ <div id=”fcb-modal”> ‘;
echo ‘ <div class=”fcb-modal-content”> ‘;
echo ‘ <p>’.do_shortcode($fcb_shortcode).'</p>’;
echo ‘ <div class=”fcb-footer”><div class=”fcb-footer-close”><span class=”fcb-close”>X</span></div></div></div>’;
echo ‘ <div class=”overlay”></div> ‘;
echo ‘ </div> ‘;
then it should work. The number is the page ID.
Best regards