On Android videos do not play unless using mozilla
Hi I have had this plugin on my popular adult site for a long time and always thought it worked great because my boyfriends phone is what I would use to test it and he always uses mozilla. Today I bought a new Galaxy Note 4 and found that in the default android browser and also google chrome for android the videos do not play and instead give the “source not found” error.
videos work great in mozilla firefox for android but chrome and android browser they do not work. Sometimes even stranger but more rare the red overlay pops up with that message but u can see video playing in back round and if you tap to disappear the error overlay video continues to play but there is no controls and video cannot be controlled.
What is going on here? Please help me I get a lot of visitors and I need my videos working EVERYWHERE. I would be more than happy to place your banner or link on my site. I love your player so much I really do not want to switch.
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