Assalamu Alaikkum,
Dear brother Mustafiz,
I refer to the above request to ‘omit’ or ‘override’ (as in earlier versions) the Iqamah changes.
In the current version, Scroll message area has 2 important functions/messages to display.
1-st one is to display Free text, which we want communicate to our masjid community (donations, medical camp etc.,)
2-nd part is Iqamah changes, will be displayed only when change(s) in prayer-time(s) for next day.
As I mentioned earlier in my mail dated 05-Nov-2011 to you, this feature is one of the important and good for every masjid and I believe most of you will agree to this point.
My sincere advice is to keep the above functions as it is. Please do NOT change anything.
Instead, You may kindly, provide an option (check-button) to either ‘display’ or ‘not to display’ Iqamah changes. In this way, all of our requirements are addressed.
Jazakallahu khairan kasira.
Nazir Ahmed M.