Home / Your WordPress / Old Sysop – New Blogger
20 years ago
… and glad to be!
Would like your impressions. Thanks.
I absoultely LOVE your theme. Great job! You did that yourself? Wish i was good at graphics, but heh , its just not my thing, lol.
You do an excellent job of making it clear exactly what your blog is about. Good, clean design, too.
GREAT job! What plugins are you using for the photo gallery and the Weather Channel feed?
That photo is hilarious on the first page. Go ahead, be a Bushbasher…
Thanks guys (girls?). I’m playing to a very small userbase but having fun anyway.
Java: Thanks. It’s just a modified Kubrick. The header was done with Paint Shop Pro. I know enough about PSP to fill a thimble.
raer: No photo gallery. The weather plugin is a modified GetWeather from Jeff Minard
TheOneAndOnly: I’m on the “right” side….