Notice to all thinking you have to recreate all your jobs:
It is not necessary to delete the old job, and create a brand new one. I found this out because doing that did not resolve the issue for me.
The cause of the issue is in the formatting of the Archive name; which is, essentially, tokens separated by underscores.
In my case, I had “backwpup_database_%Y-%m-%d_%hash%” defining the Archive name. The first token would be “backwpup” and the second token, “database”, etc.
This is a problem due to the manner in which the function ‘owns_backup_archive’ in class.job.php (@ line 609) handles the tokens.
It assumes that if the Archive name starts with “backwpup”, then the old-style hash is being used, and it expects the hash to be the second token. If the hash is not the second token, then the function returns false (ie. the file is not owned by BackWPup) and the file is ignored.
* Simply removing “backwpup” from the beginning of the Archive name solved the problem.
So, as I see it, either the code needs to be changed, or further information needs to be added to “Note: In order for backup file tracking to work, %hash% must be included anywhere in the archive name” on the ‘backwpupeditjob’ page informing that:
If the Archive name starts with “backwpup”, then the “%hash%” token must immediately follow it, ie. “backwpup_%hash%[_ …]”.