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  • Thread Starter epoman



    Thanks for the help however I clicked the .htm file in the zip and it looks exactly like it use to. Nothing changed. What did you do?

    Do exactly the following:

    In your template file, header.php, find this line: <style type=”text/css” media=”screen”>. Find the SAME line in the .htm file. In the zipped .htm file, copy from the <style type=”text/css” media=”screen”> until you get to the </style>. Now, in your header.php, paste what you’ve just copied over the same code block (starting with the <style type… and ending with the </style>). And simply replace your style.css file with the one included.

    There are changes, so just copy, paste and replace. I really, really can’t even imagine how much easier this could possibly get. If you can’t understand simple copy and paste, then I don’t know what to say.

    SO, to make clear, copy the style block from the .htm file I gave you and paste that over the old style block in header.php. And then simply unzip style.css and upload it to the theme directory, over-writing the default style.css. Remember to back up everything.

    Hoping this is crystal clear,

    Thread Starter epoman


    Ok here is a picture of what I need will doing what you said get this result?

    Thread Starter epoman


    I did exactly like you said and it still has all that space uptop see the picture.

    Either this whole thread is a fricken joke or you’re the biggest twat who knows how to use a computer. You DID NOT do exactly as instructed, as I can see from viewing the source on your page – in fact, you’ve done nothing to it at all.

    If you think sitting there with your finger up your ass is going to solve your problems, then you’ve got another thing coming.

    I’m done wasting my time with you and considering no one else is answering you, they must be too. So figure out you own damned problem.

    OH, and as you can SEE what I told you to do works just fine.

    Thread Starter epoman


    Thank you for taking the time to help, sorry if I am missing something. I don’t really see the need to use vulgar language at me since I am just asking for help.
    I had did what you said but I copied back my backups since I saw no difference, that is why you saw no change. I will try it again.

    Again thank you for your time and I am sorry if I upset you.

    Thread Starter epoman


    Ok I did it EXACTLY like you said and I used the EXACT files you provided. It still does not work. Please check what you had me copy because it is the exact same data.

    Yes, now there is some progress. All of the problems you are having are related to the style sheets, hence why I suggested you read up on it, google something like “CSS tutorial”.

    Is there any particular reason you want to use the default theme? It’s is VERY difficult to tweak, you should look around for some alternative themes. A simplistic theme is much more easier to navigate and figure things out on.

    I suspect you will have to adjust the margins and padding on other CSS rules (such for the page itself etc.) I will attempt to assist you again tomorrow, as I’m about to go to sleep. Keep tinkering with it, read some tutorials on CSS and look for a better theme for your site!

    You can certainly appreaciate that this is very frustrating for people who try to help others on these forums. Beleive me, calling you a twat was especially restrained for me. When people offer you advice that does not work out, DO NOT come back with a blameful tone, ie: I did EXACTLY you said…, if you expect any help, you have to be polite, you have to have done everything possible to find a solution yourself and you must not be snippity to those who respond – otherwise, being called a twat will seem like a compliment compared to the real profanity that you might elicit.

    So, read up on CSS, look harder for a solution yourself and remember that everyone here is a VOLUNTEER. If I have some time tomorrow, I will attempt to assist you again. Do I know what I’m doing? Nope! Do I have all the answers? Nope! Even if no one here ever figures it out, it’s the gesture that counts, remember that this is YOUR problem, not anyone elses, so the solution must rest with you!

    Good luck,

    Thread Starter epoman


    I just like the simplicity of the default theme. I will look around for another theme. I just can believe that this is so hard. Regardless of what you may think of me I did build my forum on my own and did all the graphics.

    Again thank you for your time.

    LMAO@niziol’s comments. =) Epoman, if niziol has it working and gave ya the files yet to boot, and you uploaded them correctly and cmodded them 777. Everything should be just fine. I’m going to try them myself once, and get rid of that little box.

    I’ll post back here then with my comments.. =)


    P.S. I haven’t replied lately because I prolly gave up at the time and went to bed..ppl do sleep ya know lol!! =)

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