Yes, now there is some progress. All of the problems you are having are related to the style sheets, hence why I suggested you read up on it, google something like “CSS tutorial”.
Is there any particular reason you want to use the default theme? It’s is VERY difficult to tweak, you should look around for some alternative themes. A simplistic theme is much more easier to navigate and figure things out on.
I suspect you will have to adjust the margins and padding on other CSS rules (such for the page itself etc.) I will attempt to assist you again tomorrow, as I’m about to go to sleep. Keep tinkering with it, read some tutorials on CSS and look for a better theme for your site!
You can certainly appreaciate that this is very frustrating for people who try to help others on these forums. Beleive me, calling you a twat was especially restrained for me. When people offer you advice that does not work out, DO NOT come back with a blameful tone, ie: I did EXACTLY you said…, if you expect any help, you have to be polite, you have to have done everything possible to find a solution yourself and you must not be snippity to those who respond – otherwise, being called a twat will seem like a compliment compared to the real profanity that you might elicit.
So, read up on CSS, look harder for a solution yourself and remember that everyone here is a VOLUNTEER. If I have some time tomorrow, I will attempt to assist you again. Do I know what I’m doing? Nope! Do I have all the answers? Nope! Even if no one here ever figures it out, it’s the gesture that counts, remember that this is YOUR problem, not anyone elses, so the solution must rest with you!
Good luck,