• As sayed before in the plugins forum – nice but coming with stupid annoying hidden advertisement, see code below. So thats a simply fooling kind a way paying at all for that. ;-(

    <div id="wpwm_hideBody" class="white-striped-body"></div><a href="https://www.ah sanu lkab ir.co m/" title="We b D es i gn M ym en singh" class="pluga1c2r" rel="dofollow">W eb D e s ign Ban gla desh</a><a href="https://www.w ordp ressc ode.c om/" title="Pre mium W ord Pr ess Them es" class="pluga1c2r" rel="dofollow">Premium Wor dP ress Th emes</a><a href="https://w ww.a 1n e ts o lut ion s.com/" title="We b Dev elo pme nt" class="pluga1c2r" rel="dofollow">W eb D eve lop men t</a>

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  • Thanks for bringing this to everyone’s intention. I played around a bit and, while I am no PHP expert, I believe that manually removing the default.php file from the “lib” directory should disable this hidden link. The plugin/pop-up window still appears to work as intended when this file is missing. Hope this helps others use this plugin without worrying about this injection.

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