Hi @adamkayce,
First of all, we’re really sorry for any inconvenience caused when using our plugin.
To answer your question, yes, technical-wise we have to migrate your default WordPress passwords to our systems for our protection to work properly.
For example, WordPress only allows you to set 1 password while our plugin allows unlimited passwords per content.
We can’t use 1 password from WordPress data and the rest from ours. That’s why converting passwords is necessary.
For better user experience, we, just like many other popular plugins, will run the migration processes in the background so that you don’t have to do so manually. This benefits almost all non-tech savvy.
The password migration proccess is explained in our documentation.
During the migration process, we have to also remove the default WordPress passwords as there will be a conflict if we don’t.
Imagine a computer can’t run 2 Operating Systems at the same time.
We do show a warning when you are about to deactivate our plugins though.
There could be a solution to migrate passwords back to your WordPress before deactivating our plugin.
However, it will be very complicated to handle in some cases. Let’s say you’ve created 10 new passwords, we wouldn’t be able to know which one was the original passwords.
Hope you understand there are some technical decisions we have to make to simplify our logic as well as preventing potential bugs.
While we haven’t got any negative feedback on the password migration so far, we understand there can’t be the same solution for everyone.
That’s why we’re always here to help.
Please let us know if you have any other questions and concerns in the comment below or simply drop us an email to hello(at)preventdirectaccess.com.
If you allow us to help, I’m convinced you won’t be disappointed, @adamkayce.
PS. Thanks so much again for your comment and kind words, @bearlydoug. You’re awesome!