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  • Plugin Author Donald Gilbert


    Upcoming Features:
    Custom Menu Items (easy interface using the WP api)
    Ajax Search Popup
    Search Autocomplete (maybe?)

    Dude, I love this plugin, its brilliant, really!

    I am so looking forward to custom Custom Menu Items, that would be great.
    And is there any way to have a register link (next to sign in), maybe with Custom Menu I could do this ??

    Oh one last thing, with custom menu items I hope it would be possible to have links to FB, Twitter, etc but with nice small icons, that would be the icing on the cake!

    Keep up the great work!

    +1 for all Shadowrider asked ??

    Might be important to have a preview of the bar for both logged-in as well as logged-out users.

    One additional feature would be ability to integrate this bar with the BuddyPress bar. It has different, but very useful menus, but of course, not everybody needs that..


    Any updates on when the “Upcoming Features” will be integrated into this plugin? Good work.

    Plugin Author Donald Gilbert


    Just released v3.1.2 – the only addition in this release is the ability to show or hide the bar via jQuery.

    Currently working on custom menu items.

    +1 for the requested features and maybe you can have a look at this other thread I have where I am trying to customize my admin bar manually:

    maybe I can do that with a future version of your plugin ??

    I’ve modified your code to already add a lost password and register button after the login button:
    in the php file:

    <input type="button" class="adminbar-button" value="'.__('Lost password').'" onclick="location.href=\'' . get_settings('siteurl') . '/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword\'"/>
    <input type="button" class="adminbar-button" value="'.__('Register').'" onclick="location.href=\'' . get_settings('siteurl') . '/wp-login.php?action=register\'"/>

    and in the js file, I added a code that when you hide the bar, it doesnt leave a gap on top, but slides the html/body also to the top:

    $('html').animate({'margin-top': '+=28px'}, 'slow');
    $('body').animate({'margin-top': '+=28px'}, 'slow');

    And of course the -28 in the other condition.

    Would be cool to see these as an official addon. Nice work so far.

    Plugin Author Donald Gilbert


    Thanks Lashknife – I was experimenting a long time with the “leaving a gap at the top”, but IE8 was having an issue with it, so I decided to drop it. I modified your code a little bit, and have it running great across all browsers now – thanks! For sure in the next release.

    As far as the extra buttons, I’m not going to add those ~exactly~ but close. I want it to look as close to admin bar as possible. So I added the remember me checkbox and the Lost your password? link in the upcoming release.

    The new release has an admin panel where you can select whether or not to enable the ajax search and whether or not to enable the log in form. The next release will include the custom menu items that has been requested.

    Plugin Author Donald Gilbert


    Just released 3.1.4 – 3 releases in 2 days!

    If register won’t be in it, then I’ll have to code it in myself again, or make a custom side button available that’s perhaps more attractive to new users and which is not shown when wordpress-loggedin state is true (dunno how to verify that the wp-way, but I’ll find a way.

    Can’t you make register “optional” just like the search? Because for fully custom themes like mine which disregard standard blogging but basically abuse the backend of wordpress post/pages + user system, this bar at the top is a simple bypass to having to include a proper login form or link.

    please do not forget about the multisite option! can’t run this plugin ’cause they can edit dangerous stuff, as I said, only siteadmin needs to have access to the options.

    Plugin Author Donald Gilbert


    @ovidiu – I think I got it this time. I don’t have a multisite environment to test it on, but I’m pretty sure it would work.

    @lashknife – I added the option for the registration link.

    ahm, no idea what happened, I upgraded, network activated it and can’t find ANY menu or options page, where is it supposed to be???

    Plugin Author Donald Gilbert


    @ovidiu – go into your Plugins -> Editor menu item, and then select WPABI (or WordPress Admin Bar Improved) from the dropdown list. Then select wpabi.php. In there, there is a function called admin_menu() – in the if(is_multisite() && is_site_admin() section, change it to this.

    global $wp_version;
    $where_to_place = (version_compare($wp_version, '3.1', '>=')) ? 'settings.php' : 'ms-admin.php' ;
    add_submenu_page($where_to_place, 'WPABI', 'WPABI', 'manage_options', 'wpabi', array(&$this, 'admin_page_render'));

    Edit: Just before that you must bring in the global $wp_version. I added it in the code already.

    Plugin Author Donald Gilbert


    @ovidiu – I just updated the code in the official release, but I didn’t upgrade the version number. Give it about 30 minutes, and then re-install the plugin.

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