• stivenson2005


    The plugin worked just fine, so was time to go live to a real website, After migration from the test site to the live site, the Raffle option is not there, and the raffle activation setting isnt there on the left menu. So i went to the plugins, and clicked on Settings, i get an error “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page”.

    I tried all possibilities, deleted the license. Regenerated new license, nothing helped. Tried a fresh install on this live website, and installed Woocommerce and WPRaffle Silver, it works just fine. So i go and re-upload my site again, and falling at the same issue.

    I did backup and uploaded website manually.
    Backed up and uploaded website using Plugins like All in One
    Deleted and re-installed the plugin manually and within WP
    Deleted all of WPraffle references in the Database at least that I can find. Still the same issue.

    Still no raffle options or anything related to raffle on the side menu, the only place I can see raffle is the Plugin page and thats about it.

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  • Thread Starter stivenson2005



    Thank you for the prompt response. I will open a ticket.

    Note, the old website had the same URL as this one, it just was on a dummy server. Also if thats the case I have already deleted everything from the old website as soon as I got the backup.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    For pro or commercial product support please contact the developer directly on their site. This includes any pre-sales topics as well.

    As the developer is aware, commercial products are not supported in these forums. I am sure they will have no problem supporting you there.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @wpraffle While I know you have the best of intentions, it’s forum policy that you not ask users for admin or server access. Users on the forums aren’t your customers, they’re your open source collaborators, and requesting that kind of access can put you and them at high risk.

    If they are paying customers (such as people who bought a premium service/product from you) then by all means, direct them to your official customer support system. But in all other cases, you need to help them here on the forums.

    Thankfully are other ways to get information you need:

    You get the idea.

    We know volunteer support is not easy, and this guideline can feel needlessly restrictive. It’s actually there to protect you as much as end users. Should their site be hacked or have any issues after you accessed it, you could be held legally liable for damages. In addition, it’s difficult for end users to know the difference between helpful developers and people with malicious intentions. Because of that, we rely on plugin developers and long-standing volunteers (like you) to help us and uphold this particular guideline.

    When you help users here and in public, you also help the next person with the same problem. They’ll be able to read the debugging and solution and educate themselves. That’s how we get the next generation of developers.

    WP Raffle



    Sorry that our customer asked for support on your forum. We will make sure we will not provide any support for our paid customers on your forum in the future. We apologize we thought we directed them to open a support ticket on our website.

    Thanks for the info.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @wpraffle You completely ignored this part.


    Do you have a response to that? Ignoring that could get your plugin removed from this site.

    WP Raffle



    The info provided from the original posters message indicates that the issue is with a paid version of our plugin as that is the only version with the functions on our plugin that are as the OP described.

    Based on the info provided, please open a support ticket on our site at https://online.wpraffle.com. Our understanding is that we are not allowed to provide any support for our paid versions via the forum per the notification from the moderator.

    If this is for the free version of our plugin, then please provide more detail as what you mean by the license. Our free version does not have a license key.

    @jdembowski Is there something I am missing, please let me know. Our original response directed them to our website to open a ticket and to provide the information on their ticket and that post got removed. Our response did not ask them to post admin access here – it was for them to open a secure support ticket for their paid version issue. I understand that we should not have asked to supply information in our support system in our response and we will not do that again.

    I honestly do not understand what you are expecting us to do. I am not trying to be difficult. This question is about our paid versions, which you said we are not allowed to support here. We asked them to make a ticket on our website for support on our original response.

    “If they are paying customers (such as people who bought a premium service/product from you) then by all means, direct them to your official customer support system. But in all other cases, you need to help them here on the forums.” is what you said and that is what we did.

    Going forward we will make sure that for any of the questions that are about or relevant to our free versions here that we will provide info to assist others who might experience the same issue. I am sorry that we provided unsatisfactory responses previously. We wish you a good rest of your weekend.

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