• Hello,

    First off. Thank you for this wonderful plugin.

    It has just come to my attention that it does trigger an odd behaviour in Firefox on MacOS and Windows, as well as in IE on Windows. All other browsers on Mac, Windows, and iOS seem fine.

    The behaviour is that it requires two mouse-clicks on any sub-menu item to trigger any link. Consistently, the first click produces no result. The second triggers the link. The two clicks need to be on the same sub-menu item.

    Has anyone else experienced this? I can provide a link to demonstrate if required.

    Best rgds,


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  • I am experiencing the same behavior with Weaver II.

    I do not have the plugin activated all the time as this is a testing server, more or less.


    I was facing the same issue. I have fixed it now.

    Steps to fixed the double click issue on sub menu:
    1. Open “accessible-dropdown-menus.php” under plugin directory
    2. Go to ccadm_styles function and replace $strHtml variable with the following:
    $strHtml = '<style type="text/css">
    /* Extra styles to allow keyboard accessibility of dropdown menus */
    div:not(#wpadminbar) [role="navigation"] ul ul {
    display: none !important;

    div:not(#wpadminbar) [role="navigation"] ul li.ccadm-hover > ul,
    div:not(#wpadminbar) [role="navigation"] ul a:focus+ul {
    display: block !important;

    One more thing you will notice drop down jerk on submenu click.

    To fix this, open “accessible-dropdown-menus.js” and replace the “foucs blur” event function with the following:

    $('[role=navigation] li a').on('focus', function(e){
    $('[role=navigation] li a').on('blur', function(e){

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