Hello @asiandoll,
Kindly provide us with your system environment information. Please navigate to WP Dashboard > OceanWP > OceanWP Panel > System Info: https://i.postimg.cc/0QZrGq46/system-info.png. You can send the information as code here or upload them to https://pastebin.com/ and get an exclusive link.
For troubleshooting, please do the following steps and let me know the results:
1- Head over to WP Dashboard > Plugin.
2- Deactivate all plugins.
3- Then, first activate the Ocean Extra plugin.
4- Check your issue.
5- Then, activate your plugins one by one
6- After activation of any plugins, check your issue
Note: if you have any cache plugin or server cache(CDN / Browser Cache and Cookies and …), you need to clear its cache contents or disable them to see your changes. Also, don’t forget to click on the regenerate all assets file and data in Elementor > Tools.
Best Regards