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  • Plugin Author lerondpoint


    Can I contact you by e-mail and send you a debug version so we can check this out?

    Plugin Author lerondpoint


    My automated tests still pass. Are you sure you are using a valid code? It shoudl look like the foolowing codes :

    I fill field “#token-input”,”4/2_Wzac8pIQqcJwUwTWf4U7puSxLvC0-CE1pdpl_K1p8
    I fill field “#token-input”,”4/LUhy4Ou8hFcR5oAqtBciU3EkAw2L0KICqpdW9A2HWy4

    [Exec] Running vendor/bin/codecept run --env default --env desktop --env tablet --env phone --debug acceptance GAAuthenticationCodeCest
    Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.2.1
    Powered by PHPUnit 5.4.6 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
      Initializing VisualCeptionReport
      Rebuilding AcceptanceTester...
      VisualCeptionReporter: templateFile = /var/www-staging/vendor/digital-products-fork/codeception-visualception-wpbrowser/module/report/template.php
    Acceptance (default) Tests (2) -----------------------------------------------
    Modules: Asserts, MultisiteWPWebDriver, MultisiteWPDb, WPConfig, VisualCeption, VisualCeptionReporter, \Helper\Acceptance
    GAAuthenticationCodeCest: Authenticate using Google Analytics auth code
    Signature: GAAuthenticationCodeCest:authenticateWithCode
    Test: tests/acceptance/GAAuthenticationCodeCest.php:authenticateWithCode
    Scenario --
     As an administrator
     I login as admin
     I am on page "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ga_experiments_plus"
     I am going to Retrieve the Google auth code
     I wait for text "Authenticate with Google Analytics",60
     I don't see "Analytics Tracking"
     I see link "from this website"
     I click "from this website"
     I execute in selenium "Closure"
     I am going to Log into Google Analytics
     I wait for text "Sign in with your Google Account",60
     I fill field "Enter your email","[email protected]"
     I click "Next"
     I fill field "#Passwd","acceptance"
     I click "Sign in"
     I wait for element "#submit_approve_access",60
     I grab attribute from "#submit_approve_access","class"
     I am going to skip identity confirmation
     I am going to copy the code
     I wait for element "#submit_approve_access",60
     I wait for element change "#submit_approve_access","Closure",60
     I click "Allow"
     I wait for text "Please copy this code",60
     I grab attribute from "#code","value"
     I am going to paste the code in the plugin
     I switch to window
     I fill field "#token-input","4/2_Wzac8pIQqcJwUwTWf4U7puSxLvC0-CE1pdpl_K1p8"
     I click "#auth-token-next"
     I wait for element visible "#auth-account-list",60
     I wait for element change "#auth-account-list","Closure",60
     I wait for element change "#auth-property-list","Closure",60
     I am going to select account and property to use
     I see "Accounts"
     I see "Properties"
     I select option "#auth-account-list","Jenkins tests"
     I select option "#auth-property-list","WordPress GA tests"
     I click "Authenticate"
     I am going to validate we are authenticated
     I see "Analytics Tracking"
     I see "Reauthenticate"
    GAAuthenticationCodeCest: Authenticate Google Analytics using ENTER key
    Signature: GAAuthenticationCodeCest:authenticateWithCodeUsingEnter
    Test: tests/acceptance/GAAuthenticationCodeCest.php:authenticateWithCodeUsingEnter
    Scenario --
     As an administrator
     I login as admin
     I am on page "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ga_experiments_plus"
     I am going to Retrieve the Google auth code
     I wait for text "Authenticate with Google Analytics",60
     I don't see "Analytics Tracking"
     I see link "from this website"
     I click "from this website"
     I execute in selenium "Closure"
     I am going to Log into Google Analytics
     I wait for text "Sign in with your Google Account",60
     I fill field "Enter your email","[email protected]"
     I click "Next"
     I fill field "#Passwd","acceptance"
     I click "Sign in"
     I wait for element "#submit_approve_access",60
     I grab attribute from "#submit_approve_access","class"
     I am going to skip identity confirmation
     I am going to copy the code
     I wait for element "#submit_approve_access",60
     I wait for element change "#submit_approve_access","Closure",60
     I click "Allow"
     I wait for text "Please copy this code",60
     I grab attribute from "#code","value"
     I am going to paste the code in the plugin
     I switch to window
     I fill field "#token-input","4/LUhy4Ou8hFcR5oAqtBciU3EkAw2L0KICqpdW9A2HWy4"
     I press key "#token-input",""
     I wait for element visible "#auth-account-list",60
     I wait for element change "#auth-account-list","Closure",60
     I wait for element change "#auth-property-list","Closure",60
     I am going to select account and property to use
     I see "Accounts"
     I see "Properties"
     I select option "#auth-account-list","Jenkins tests"
     I select option "#auth-property-list","WordPress GA tests"
     I click "Authenticate"
     I am going to validate we are authenticated
     I see "Analytics Tracking"
     I see "Reauthenticate"
    Thread Starter Erik Molenaar


    I am using PHP7.0. Perhaps that can be the problem?

    Plugin Author lerondpoint


    You should be using the key that is output by this page:

    When used in the plugin, I get the following:

    Plugin Author lerondpoint


    Possibly, I’ll run my tests in a PHP7 docker and report

    Plugin Author lerondpoint


    I’m getting a valid authentication with PHP7 as well. There are some warnings about future deprecation but it works fine…

    We’ll need to try with a debug version.

    Plugin Author lerondpoint


    What version of WordPress are you using?

    Thread Starter Erik Molenaar


    Always the most recent version ??


    Plugin Author lerondpoint


    get in touch with me at contact(at)

    Plugin Author lerondpoint


    Would you happen to have the logs from your webserver? Tthis would at least give me a starting point.


    Thread Starter Erik Molenaar


    I just tried it on a fresh WP install on a complete different web server, and it gives the same error. If you try on a fresh install you probably will have the same error?

    Plugin Author lerondpoint


    I’ve run it on 3 different servers: My test server with PHP 5.6, my dev server with PHP 5.6 and my test server with PHP 7

    Can you access the error log?

    Plugin Author lerondpoint


    Do you know if you are under Apache or nginx? Not that it should change a thing but…..

    Plugin Author lerondpoint


    Just installed a fresh LAMP stack on Windows this time and it’s all working fine on my end…

    Thread Starter Erik Molenaar


    Perhaps it is the authentication process. I manage multiple accounts, could that be it? Can I receive your API key to try it out?

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