• Resolved georgiob01


    I wanted to check if I want to control the number of products to be shown on mobile how can I control it? if I add css to have width 50% instead of 100% to show 2 products next to each other the remaining space of the slider will be shown as white space and I don’t want to have this effect

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Ketan Patel


    Hello @georgiob01,

    Thanks for reaching out here…

    sorry for the inconvenience, mobile column change functionality is not available in the plugin version.

    BUT if you want to change this then you can edit the plugin js file and here is path:

    wp-content –> plugins –> woo-product-slider-and-carousel-with-category –> assets –> js –> public.js

    Now go to line #241 and #248 and change slidesToShow from slidesToShow:1 to slidesToShow:2

    Note:- If you update the plugin in a feature then your changed core plugin file change will be lost.

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