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  • One guess is that whatever template is displaying your front page has the number 10 hardcoded. Of course trying to scroll to the bottom of your posts to count the total induced some casino related ad…

    If necessary, deactivate all plugins if you can’t find the problem in your templates.

    Thread Starter eyashwant


    Still not solved..any one else can help me….

    Did you take any action based on MichaelH’s suggestion? If so, what specifics things did you do?

    Did you check the front page template to see if it was hard-coded?

    Thread Starter eyashwant


    Yes, it is Hard coded and now I edited it to show 5 posts and it is fine…
    But now how to make it automated to get information form the wordpress
    Please tell me hoe to do this???
    E.Karnika Yashwant

    I have a similar but slightly different problem. On my blog, the front page is set to show 10 posts in Dashboard > Reading but actually displays 30 posts. All other pages show only 10 posts.

    I thought at first it might be the theme, so I changed the theme to the Default WP theme and the behavior did not change.

    Kind of stuck with this problem and don’t know what else to try.

    I’ve actually just reinstalled WP 2.7.1 and even with the default theme and no plugins, I still have 30 posts being displayed on my recent posts home page, but other pages show 10 as set in dashboard > reading

    Any ideas?



    Have you tried setting the ‘Blog pages show at most’ value to -1 ?

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