Thank you, I have located the shortcodes.php file and I am assuming this is the code that needs to be changed, but I am not able to get it to display 5 columns instead of 3.
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
if( $query -> have_posts() ) {
$loop = 1;
$column = 4;
$lastcolumn = 3;
while( $query -> have_posts() ) { $query -> the_post();
if($loop%2!=0 && $loop !=1) { $cls=" clearPad"; }
else{ $cls=""; }
if($loop == $column){ $cls.=" firstCol"; $column=$column + 3; }
if($loop == $lastcolumn){ $cls.=" lastCol"; $lastcolumn=$lastcolumn + 3; }
$team_members_output .= '
<div class="col-one-fourth'. $cls .'">';
Is there a specific location within this code that I need to change to display 5 columns?