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  • Plugin Support Darian


    Hi @ricpanel

    I am sorry to hear that you are facing trouble with our plugins. Please know that I understand how frustrating this can be. Rest assured that I will inform our team about the issue and keep you updated as soon as we have a solution. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    Thread Starter ricpanel


    Hi Darian, some news about this?

    Thanks a lot

    Plugin Support Darian


    Hi @ricpanel

    Thanks for your message. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner.

    I have contacted the team for an update and I will inform you as soon as I have any new information.

    Let me know if you have other questions or concerns.

    Thread Starter ricpanel


    Hola Darian, solo comentaros que con la nueva actualización sigue sin funcionar.

    Un saludo

    Plugin Support Darian


    Hi @ricpanel

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re still having this issue.

    I just want to confirm if you’re exclusively filtering the “tribe_events” post type. Additionally, could you inform me if there are any other issues with the query that you’ve noticed? We want to delve deeper into this matter on our end.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Thread Starter ricpanel


    Hola, sí solo falla con los eventos. Como os dije solo falla cuando intentas ordenarlo, si no ordenas funciona todo perfectamente. También he notado que cuando estás trabajando en la página en el DIVI builder sí parece funcionar pero al publicar sale el mensaje “not found results”.

    Espero vuestras noticias

    Thread Starter ricpanel


    Hola Darian, te aporto nuevos datos…

    He probado con DIVI supreme, DIVI pixel y con Event addon… Todos son capaces de mostrar eventos de TEC pero en cuanto quiere mostrar los pasados ordenados de alguna manera…ES IMPOSIBLE. Algo habéis cambiado desde la versión 5.16 que no funciona.

    Una lástima porque elplugin funcionaba a la perfección…


    Plugin Support Darian


    Hi @ricpanel

    I am sorry for the trouble you are experiencing. Could you provide the steps on how we could replicate the issue on our side? I want to check it further on my side.

    Also, kindly provide the versions you are using.

    • The Events Calendar
    • Divi
    Thread Starter ricpanel


    Hola Darian, en todos los casos uso las últimas versiones
    TEC –
    DIVI – 4.22.1

    PLugins para llamar a los eventos y mostrarlos como listas o carrusel que he probado.
    DIVI Blog EXTRAS – 2.6.5
    Events Shortcodes For The Events Calendar – 2.3.2
    DIVI Pixels – 2.26.0

    SI quieres replicarlo solo tienes que instalaros y desde cualquier página intentas poner un carrusel o una lista de eventos, hasta aquí todo funciona bien.
    Lo siguiente que tienes que hacer es intentar ordenarlos (por fecha o or o que sea) y verás que a partir de ahí todos los eventos pasados dejan de mostrarse. En el constructor de DIVI funciona bien, pero al salir de él y publicarlo no lo muestra.


    Thread Starter ricpanel


    Hola Darian,

    ?Alguna novedad con esto?


    Thread Starter ricpanel


    Por cierto he probado a mostrarlos con el slider revolution (última versión) y tampoco funciona…En cuanto publicas, solo muestra los eventos futuros, no los pasados

    Plugin Support Darian


    Hi @ricpanel

    Thank you for sharing the versions of the plugins you’re using and the steps to replicate this issue. I completely understand how frustrating it can be when things don’t work as expected.

    I will need some time to investigate this further, but I will make sure to keep you updated as soon as I have more information.

    Plugin Support Darian


    Hi @ricpanel

    I’m reaching out to let you know that we’ve created an internal ticket to address the issue you reported, and we’ve included your case in it.

    Unfortunately, we don’t have an estimated time for when the issue will be resolved, but we’ll keep you updated as soon as a solution becomes available.

    Internal Bug Ticket Reference: BTRIA-1999

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