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  • Thread Starter WebMan Design | Oliver Juhas


    Also, is there some way to filter this array ?

    I’d like to change the “Description (nova_content)” field to be saved as excerpt, not post content.

    Thread Starter WebMan Design | Oliver Juhas


    OK, I’ve resolved the filtering the array. For others:

     * Jetpack: modify Add Many Items post content/excerpt
     * @param  array $data
     * @param  array $postarr
    if ( ! function_exists( 'wm_jetpack_add_many_food_menus' ) ) {
      function wm_jetpack_add_many_food_menus( $data, $postarr ) {
        //Helper variables
          global $current_screen;
        //Requirements check
          if (
              'nova_menu_item' !== $data['post_type']
              || (
                  ! isset( $current_screen->id )
                  && 'nova_menu_item_page_add_many_nova_items' !== $current_screen->id
            ) {
            return $data;
          if ( ! empty( $_POST['ajax'] ) ) {
            check_ajax_referer( 'nova_many_items' );
          } else {
            check_admin_referer( 'nova_many_items' );
        //Preparing output
          if ( $postarr['post_content'] && empty( $postarr['post_excerpt'] ) ) {
            $data['post_excerpt'] = $data['post_content'];
            $data['post_content'] = '';
          return $data;
    } // /wm_jetpack_add_many_food_menus
    add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data', 'wm_jetpack_add_many_food_menus', 10, 2 );
    Thread Starter WebMan Design | Oliver Juhas



    I’ve got also this WP error when trying to bulk delete multiple Food Menus items: “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.

    Actually, I get this WP error also when I’m reordering the items and then pressing the Save New Order button.

    Is this custom post type working?



    PS: I have no other plugins activated, just Jetpack.

    Thread Starter WebMan Design | Oliver Juhas


    Oh my, sorry…. the “Are you sure you want to do this?” error was caused with #post-6227029

    Here is fixed function:

     * Jetpack: modify Add Many Items post content/excerpt
     * @param  array $data
     * @param  array $postarr
    if ( ! function_exists( 'wm_jetpack_add_many_food_menus' ) ) {
      function wm_jetpack_add_many_food_menus( $data, $postarr ) {
        //Helper variables
          global $current_screen;
        //Requirements check
          if (
              'nova_menu_item' !== $data['post_type']
              || ! isset( $current_screen->id )
              || 'nova_menu_item_page_add_many_nova_items' !== $current_screen->id
            ) {
            return $data;
          if ( ! empty( $_POST['ajax'] ) ) {
            check_ajax_referer( 'nova_many_items' );
          } else {
            check_admin_referer( 'nova_many_items' );
        //Preparing output
          if ( $postarr['post_content'] && empty( $postarr['post_excerpt'] ) ) {
            $data['post_excerpt'] = $data['post_content'];
            $data['post_content'] = '';
          return $data;
    } // /wm_jetpack_add_many_food_menus
    add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data', 'wm_jetpack_add_many_food_menus', 10, 2 );

    Anyway, the original #post-6226900 issue still persist.

    Thread Starter WebMan Design | Oliver Juhas


    Sorry to be a pain in the butt ?? I’ve got something more:

    When I try to set up the markup (, I get PHP fatal error: “Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in …\wp-content\plugins\jetpack\modules\custom-post-types\nova.php on line 68“.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    I’m playing with restaurant menu custom post type currently and I’ve got this PHP notice: “Notice: Undefined variable: term_id in …wp-content\plugins\jetpack\modules\custom-post-types\nova.php on line 965”

    Good call, we’ll get this fixed! You can follow our progress here:

    When I try to set up the markup (, I get PHP fatal error: “Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in …\wp-content\plugins\jetpack\modules\custom-post-types\nova.php on line 68”.

    Could you let me know the markup you used?


    Thread Starter WebMan Design | Oliver Juhas


    Hi Jeremy,

    Cool! Thanks for having a look at the $term_id issue.

    As for the $this error:
    I’ve basically done exactly what is written at (“Put the following code in your theme’s Food Menu Page Template to customize the markup of the menu.“).

    1. I’ve created a page template called “Food menu”
    2. I’ve put the content in it (get_header();... and so on)
    3. Then I’ve copied the code from the link above and put this code before the get_header();

    This didn’t work for me, so I’ve tried these:

    • I’ve moved the code into the loop inside the “Food menu” page template → ERROR
    • I’ve removed the code from the page template and put it into a function which I’ve hooked into after_setup_theme action → ERROR

    I don’t know what else can I try to make this work…

    This is the code I was using (I’ve changed classes and title tag):

    if ( class_exists( 'Nova_Restaurant' ) ) {
    	Nova_Restaurant::init( array(
    		'menu_tag'               => 'section',
    		'menu_class'             => 'food-menu-items',
    		'menu_header_tag'        => 'header',
    		'menu_header_class'      => 'food-menu-group-header',
    		'menu_title_tag'         => 'h2',
    		'menu_title_class'       => 'food-menu-group-title',
    		'menu_description_tag'   => 'div',
    		'menu_description_class' => 'food-menu-group-description',
    	) );

    This is not big deal as I went ahead with the markup already rendered, but would be fine to resolve the error for the future. Possibly allow to filter the array instead of using the above code.

    Thanks for help.



    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Thanks for the extra details. We’ll get this fixed. You can follow our progress here:

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    This will be fixed in the next release, but if you’d like to apply the fix to your site today you can make the changes mentioned here:

    Thread Starter WebMan Design | Oliver Juhas


    Cool! Thank you!

    I am trying to reorder menu items and I am using the Auberge theme by WebMan. I asked them why this error happens but seems its to do with Jetpack. Every time I save the reorder i get this

    The requested URL was rejected. If you think this is an error, please contact the webmaster.

    Your support ID is: 12837629877874717592

    ALSO THE ADDRESS URL is as below when this happens:[308]=0&nova_menu_term[308]=32&nova_order[307]=1&nova_menu_term[307]=32&nova_order[306]=2&nova_menu_term[306]=32&nova_order[305]=3&nova_menu_term[305]=32&nova_order[304]=4&nova_menu_term[304]=32&nova_order[526]=0&nova_menu_term[526]=34&nova_order[527]=1&nova_menu_term[527]=34&nova_order[528]=2&nova_menu_term[528]=34&nova_order[525]=3&nova_menu_term[525]=34&nova_order[291]=4&nova_menu_term[291]=34&nova_order[292]=5&nova_menu_term[292]=34&nova_order[293]=6&nova_menu_term[293]=34&nova_order[294]=7&nova_menu_term[294]=34&nova_order[295]=8&nova_menu_term[295]=34&nova_order[290]=9&nova_menu_term[290]=34&nova_order[298]=0&nova_menu_term[298]=35&nova_order[299]=1&nova_menu_term[299]=35&nova_order[300]=2&nova_menu_term[300]=35&nova_order[301]=3&nova_menu_term[301]=35&nova_order[302]=4&nova_menu_term[302]=35&nova_order[552]=0&nova_menu_term[552]=37&nova_order[538]=0&nova_menu_term[538]=39&nova_order[540]=1&nova_menu_term[540]=39&nova_order[541]=2&nova_menu_term[541]=39&nova_order[542]=3&nova_menu_term[542]=39&nova_order[543]=4&nova_menu_term[543]=39&nova_order[544]=5&nova_menu_term[544]=39&nova_order[545]=6&nova_menu_term[545]=39&nova_order[303]=7&nova_menu_term[303]=39&nova_order[297]=8&nova_menu_term[297]=39&nova_order[296]=9&nova_menu_term[296]=39&nova_order[547]=0&nova_menu_term[547]=40&nova_order[548]=1&nova_menu_term[548]=40&nova_order[549]=2&nova_menu_term[549]=40&nova_order[550]=3&nova_menu_term[550]=40&nova_order[551]=4&nova_menu_term[551]=40&nova_order[577]=0&nova_menu_term[577]=46&nova_order[569]=0&nova_menu_term[569]=45&nova_order[570]=1&nova_menu_term[570]=45&nova_order[571]=2&nova_menu_term[571]=45&nova_order[572]=3&nova_menu_term[572]=45&nova_order[573]=4&nova_menu_term[573]=45&nova_order[574]=5&nova_menu_term[574]=45&nova_order[575]=6&nova_menu_term[575]=45&nova_order[576]=7&nova_menu_term[576]=45&nova_order[647]=0&nova_menu_term[647]=55&nova_order[614]=0&nova_menu_term[614]=47&nova_order[613]=0&nova_menu_term[613]=91&nova_order[611]=1&nova_menu_term[611]=91&nova_order[619]=0&nova_menu_term[619]=52&nova_order[621]=1&nova_menu_term[621]=52&nova_order[622]=2&nova_menu_term[622]=52&nova_order[623]=3&nova_menu_term[623]=52&nova_order[625]=4&nova_menu_term[625]=52&nova_order[626]=5&nova_menu_term[626]=52&nova_order[627]=0&nova_menu_term[627]=53&nova_order[628]=1&nova_menu_term[628]=53&nova_order[629]=2&nova_menu_term[629]=53&nova_order[630]=3&nova_menu_term[630]=53&nova_order[633]=4&nova_menu_term[633]=53&nova_order[635]=5&nova_menu_term[635]=53&nova_order[636]=6&nova_menu_term[636]=53&nova_order[615]=0&nova_menu_term[615]=51&nova_order[864]=1&nova_menu_term[864]=51&post[]=616&nova_order[616]=0&nova_menu_term[616]=93&post[]=617&nova_order[617]=1&nova_menu_term[617]=93&post[]=618&nova_order[618]=2&nova_menu_term[618]=93&nova_order[639]=0&nova_menu_term[639]=54&nova_order[641]=1&nova_menu_term[641]=54&nova_order[642]=2&nova_menu_term[642]=54&nova_order[643]=3&nova_menu_term[643]=54&nova_order[644]=4&nova_menu_term[644]=54&nova_order[645]=0&nova_menu_term[645]=92&nova_order[646]=1&nova_menu_term[646]=92&nova_order[669]=0&nova_menu_term[669]=69&nova_order[670]=1&nova_menu_term[670]=69&nova_order[672]=2&nova_menu_term[672]=69&nova_order[674]=0&nova_menu_term[674]=81&nova_order[673]=1&nova_menu_term[673]=81&menu_reorder_submit=Save+New+Order&action2=-1&drag-drop-reorder=22f858ab43

    How do I solve this issue

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    @gojonami Could you please start your own thread, as per the Forum Welcome?

    Thank you!

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