• I am admin of a site that accepts user-driven content. Everything is set up for users to register and write new posts, but they default to “pending review,” which is exactly what I want.

    I want to know if there’s a way WP or my blog can notify me of a post that’s pending review, similar to notifications for new users or comments.

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  • I am beginning to develop a blog for our company and also would like to see this feature. Anyone have any suggestions or plug-in?

    I manage a complex content driven site in which we have posts backed up for publication at a later date. I am hoping there is some way of getting an email alert a week before each post is due to be published. Is pending review a useful function for this purpose?

    Any updates on this? How do admins get an email alert for posts pending review?

    I just found a plugin called WP Status Notifier which sends a notification to one or multiple addresses when a post goes into “pending review”, and it even notifies the author when the post is accepted.

    I decided to create a website for the members of my organization, a speakers association. I wanted the site to be for the members, not just a site that the members would join.

    I’ve found is that even though it’s extremely easy to create a WordPress site, there are some intrinsic problems that every techno-phobe faces.

    First, the mere installation process, no matter how simple, is enough to cause paralysis. The second is the pressure of maintaining (and updating) an entire site by oneself. And finally, adding advanced features, like podcasting, is too daunting for many.

    I thought WordPress could be reduced to the extreme basics for the members, and they can all contribute to the site, and leverage off it’s success. I describe how I did this, and the features I included in a post on my site.

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