Hey @shanebp thanks for getting back this is insanely important and i will pay you if that is something that will help
does your plugin just delete the notifications table rows ? does it do something else ?
if it wasn’t safe to do delete notifications you wouldn’t release a plugin doing it is my thinking yes? and so i somehow need to manually do what your plugin does directly to the database ..those are the instructions i’m hoping you’ll give me
and can i pay you for the sql query ? i’m not a mysql guy and the last thing i want is to just delete everything not knowing what i’m doing ….i’d rather trim it like i used to do with the activity table that kind of query…i used mysql query to do that and worked fine ..that is my hope for notifications …once its a manageable size i should be able to use your plugin for future maintenance
i do understand what you mean by backup the notifications table first ..but what would i be looking for to tell me i need the backup restored? would the site just crash or what would happen? and would other tables get corrupted by this is it a possibility ?
thank you for help i tried to get this resolved literally 5 years ago and did not get any replies