• As I posted here (to wrong place) it seams that notifications have lot’s of bugs, and that they don’t work at least with newer versions of WordPress and Buddypress.
    I tested with clean install to confirm this.

    1. When tasks are created notifications aren’t written in the database
    solution is to change bp-gtm-core.php line 403 to:

    // display user message
            if ($inserted_task != null) {
            foreach ($_POST['user_ids'] as $resp) {
    	$resp_id = bp_core_get_userid($resp);
            bp_core_add_notification($task_id, $resp_id, 'gtm', 'task_created', $_POST['task_group']);

    2. There was a problem with empty notifications. I changed bp-gtm.php
    line 75 from:

    $bp->gtm->format_notification_function = ‘bp_gtm_format_notifications’;

    $bp->gtm->notification_callback = ‘bp_gtm_format_notifications’;

    Now I have notifications in admin bar but their layout is messed up. Here is the screenshot.
    I realy don’t know what might cause this to happen, notification code seams ok, so if anyone has any ideas where to look I would appreciate it.


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