Hi @rubenvankempen, I have checked some steps with the developers to take in order to remedy your issue.
Firstly, set Wordfence Central Settings > Alert Type Configuration > Send alerts from individual sites back to “Yes” to make some changes.
The administrator email settings in Wordfence Central are initially dependent on the settings on the individual sites. The plugin uses a cookie to determine whether the admin is signing in from a new location. Central therefore doesn’t have a way of knowing whether or not an alert is from a new location or not unless the plugin at the site has a way of knowing it. This also means that if you are blocking cookies or always sign in from a private browsing mode, the new location may always trigger.
Unless the plugin for each site is set to “Only alert me when that administrator signs in from a new device or location”, then Central only gets the alert that an administrator signed in as you have been experiencing. The easiest solution is to start using a template, which we briefly discussed before, to make sure the plugin has that option set for all sites you manage. If you choose not to use a template, you will need to change each site to have that option checked.
Once all sites are set to only send emails when an administrator signs in from a new location, you can set Wordfence Central Settings > Alert Type Configuration > Send alerts from individual sites to “No” so everything goes through Central.
Thanks again,