What exactlty happens?
That’s it, nothing happens, I install WP and i get the dashboard and default page; but i cant edit anything. I can’t delete the default links to put my own. I cant post a blog, i cant delete the hello world posting. When I try to; it asks me if I’m sure, I click ok…and then it’s still there, as if I did nothing. It’s the same on my page, and in the control center.
Does the page refresh?
Umm yeah….it refreshes fine, if your talking about when I hit the refresh button…but nothing changes.
Does the page stay static?
Yup, thats the story…everythings static all the time.
What browser?
Using Firefox V 1.04
Tried deleting your cache / cookies and trying again ?
Umm yeah, I did although I doubt that would have worked, cuz it even stays the same in the control area, even after re-intalling WP.
Who is your host?
I’m using bravenet (www.bravenet.com)
Details… we need details…
I think that’s just about all the details I could think about. Bravenet has everything in order..MYSQL database, and php installed. WP looks fine in the mysql console…all the fields and entries made into the database. My brother has his site done in wordpress as well; works fine for him, he took a look at my setup and couldn’t find anything wrong..so here I am! Dunno if I mentioned earlier but the url for my site is (www.sunatrise.com).
Thanks again!