Nothing is working
I have tried all the installation instructions but i must be missing something.
I have tried automatically and manuallyI have changed the permission on the folders uploaded missing items to /ewww.
it still tells me that i might have to change the permission.
My website is and it is hosted with
who have linux with apachePlugin Status
jpegtran: MISSING?Install automatically | manually
optipng: MISSING?Copy binary from /customers/7/c/0/ to /customers/7/c/0/ or Download optipng source
gifsicle: MISSING?Copy binary from /customers/7/c/0/ to /customers/7/c/0/ or Download gifsicle source
pngout: MISSING?Install automatically | manually – Pngout is free closed-source software that can produce drastically reduced filesizes for PNGs, but can be very time consuming to process images
Graphics libraries (only used for conversion, not optimization): GD: OK?? Imagemagick ‘convert’: MISSING
safe mode: Off??exec(): DISABLED??shell_exec(): DISABLED will attempt to use exec() instead??file command not found on your system
Only need one of these: finfo: OK??getimagesize(): OK??mime_content_type(): OKHere are some more notifications
EWWW Image Optimizer couldn’t install optipng and gifsicle in /customers/7/c/0/ Please adjust permissions or create the folder. If you have installed the tools elsewhere on your system, check the option to ‘Use system paths’.EWWW Image Optimizer requires jpegtran, optipng or pngout, and gifsicle. You are missing: jpegtran, optipng, gifsicle, pngout. Please install via the Settings Page. If the one-click install links don’t work for you, try the Installation Instructions.
EWWW Image Optimizer requires exec(). Your system administrator has disabled this function.
jpegtran was not installed, check permissions on the wp-content/ewww folder.
Thank you for your time
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