• Resolved PNV


    I have tried all the installation instructions but i must be missing something.
    I have tried automatically and manually

    I have changed the permission on the folders uploaded missing items to /ewww.

    it still tells me that i might have to change the permission.

    My website is https://www.k1xtremefighter.com/ and it is hosted with one.com
    who have linux with apache

    Plugin Status

    jpegtran: MISSING?Install automatically | manually
    optipng: MISSING?Copy binary from /customers/7/c/0/k1xtremefighter.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer/ to /customers/7/c/0/k1xtremefighter.com/httpd.www/wp-content/ewww/ or Download optipng source
    gifsicle: MISSING?Copy binary from /customers/7/c/0/k1xtremefighter.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer/ to /customers/7/c/0/k1xtremefighter.com/httpd.www/wp-content/ewww/ or Download gifsicle source
    pngout: MISSING?Install automatically | manually – Pngout is free closed-source software that can produce drastically reduced filesizes for PNGs, but can be very time consuming to process images
    Graphics libraries (only used for conversion, not optimization): GD: OK?? Imagemagick ‘convert’: MISSING
    safe mode: Off??exec(): DISABLED??shell_exec(): DISABLED will attempt to use exec() instead??file command not found on your system
    Only need one of these: finfo: OK??getimagesize(): OK??mime_content_type(): OK

    Here are some more notifications
    EWWW Image Optimizer couldn’t install optipng and gifsicle in /customers/7/c/0/k1xtremefighter.com/httpd.www/wp-content/ewww/. Please adjust permissions or create the folder. If you have installed the tools elsewhere on your system, check the option to ‘Use system paths’.

    EWWW Image Optimizer requires jpegtran, optipng or pngout, and gifsicle. You are missing: jpegtran, optipng, gifsicle, pngout. Please install via the Settings Page. If the one-click install links don’t work for you, try the Installation Instructions.

    EWWW Image Optimizer requires exec(). Your system administrator has disabled this function.

    jpegtran was not installed, check permissions on the wp-content/ewww folder.

    Thank you for your time


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  • Plugin Author nosilver4u


    The problematic one is this:

    EWWW Image Optimizer requires exec(). Your system administrator has disabled this function.

    This is a requirement, and there is absolutely no way around it. Ask your webhost to enable it, if they won’t, you’re out of luck.

    Thread Starter PNV


    Thank you,
    I have changed to bluehost and now the plugin status is all OK but i still get this:

    EWWW Image Optimizer couldn’t install tools in /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/. Please adjust permissions or create the folder. If you have installed the tools elsewhere on your system, check the option to ‘Use system paths’. For more details, visit the Settings Page or the Installation Instructions.

    I changed all the permissions.

    and if i check the option to ‘Use system paths’. the plugins all say missing

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Turn on debugging in the latest version of the plugin, and use pastebin to post the information in yellow on the Setting page.

    Somewhat irrelevant at this point, but I’m surprised that it isn’t detecting jpegtran on your system. I use bluehost, and all my servers have had that preinstalled. You could contact their support and find out why it isn’t there if you want. Probably not necessary though, since all the bundled tools are there and working anyway.

    Thread Starter PNV


    ok, so heres what i got:

    Debug Log

    Checking/Installing tools in /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/
    wp-content/ewww permissions: 0777
    generated paths:
    jpegtran found, different size, attempting to replace
    Couldn't copy jpegtran
    64-bit linux detected while installing tools
    /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/jpegtran-custom: 2dab67e5f223b70c43b2fef355b39d3f
    copying /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer/jpegtran-linux to /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/jpegtran-custom
    Couldn't copy 32-bit jpegtran to jpegtran-custom
    jpegtran-custom (32-bit) permissions: 0755
    gifsicle found, different size, attempting to replace
    Couldn't copy gifsicle
    optipng found, different size, attempting to replace
    Couldn't copy optipng
    Linux/UNIX style OS, checking permissions
    jpegtran permissions: 0755
    gifislce permissions: 0755
    optipng permissions: 0755
    found /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/jpegtran, testing...
    /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/jpegtran: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
    found /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/jpegtran-custom, testing...
    testing mimetype: /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/jpegtran-custom
    finfo_file: application/x-executable
    /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/jpegtran-custom: Independent JPEG Group's JPEGTRAN, version 9 13-Jan-2013
    found /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/optipng, testing...
    /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/optipng: 4eb91937291ce5038d0c68f5f2edbcfd
    testing mimetype: /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/optipng
    finfo_file: application/x-executable
    /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/optipng: OptiPNG version 0.7.4
    found /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/gifsicle, testing...
    /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/gifsicle: 44273fad7b3fd1145bfcf35189648f66
    testing mimetype: /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/gifsicle
    finfo_file: application/x-executable
    /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/gifsicle: LCDF Gifsicle 1.70
    found /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/pngout-static, testing...
    /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/pngout-static: 670a0924e9d042be2c60cd4f3ce1d975
    testing mimetype: /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/pngout-static
    finfo_file: application/x-executable
    /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/pngout-static: PNGOUT [In:{PNG,JPG,GIF,TGA,PCX,BMP}] (Out:PNG) (options...) Feb 21 2013
    using: /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/jpegtran-custom
    using: /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/optipng
    using: /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/gifsicle
    using: /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/pngout-static
    generated paths:
    /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/jpegtran-custom: Independent JPEG Group's JPEGTRAN, version 9 13-Jan-2013
    /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/optipng: OptiPNG version 0.7.4
    /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/gifsicle: LCDF Gifsicle 1.70
    /home5/relevan3/public_html/k1xtremefighter/wp-content/ewww/pngout-static: PNGOUT [In:{PNG,JPG,GIF,TGA,PCX,BMP}] (Out:PNG) (options...) Feb 21 2013
    GD found, supports:
    GD Version: bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
    FreeType Support: 1
    FreeType Linkage: with freetype
    T1Lib Support: 1
    GIF Read Support: 1
    GIF Create Support: 1
    JPEG Support: 1
    PNG Support: 1
    WBMP Support: 1
    XPM Support: 1
    XBM Support: 1
    JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support:
    convert: Version: ImageMagick 6.7.9-10 2012-10-05 Q16 https://www.imagemagick.org
    disabled functions:
    /usr/bin/file: magic file from /etc/magic:/usr/share/misc/magic
    /usr/bin/nice: sh: /usr/bin/nice: No such file or directory
    nice: 0
    tar: tar (GNU tar) 1.23
    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Quite strange. It appears that most everything is successful, except the 64-bit jpegtran must have gotten botched in the transfer to the new host. However, the file comparisons must be failing, because it is still trying to copy the binaries when it shouldn’t, and the permissions look right. What I suspect though, is that perhaps you haven’t changed ownership on the files since you copied them over from your previous host.

    Something like this should fix it (and prevent errors in the future that will likely come up):

    chown -R relevan3 /home5/relevan3/public_html/

    You’ll need to run that via ssh (you may be able to get bluehost support to run it for you if you aren’t familiar with the shell. If relevan3 isn’t your username, change that to the right username for your account. The command will apply to all files within your public_html/ folder, not just the wordpress install at klxtremefighter/. That way, if there are other sites you moved over, this will fix the ownership on those files too.

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