• I’ve activated AdServe, and added this code to my header:

    <?php AdServe("top"); ?>

    I added the banner ad info at Manage -> Ads. But after clicking on Save, nothing shows up in the dashboard to indicate anything has been saved, and of course there is no ad in the header…

    What am I doing wrong?

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  • jobttero, i’ve been having the same problems. this plugin is very buggy.



    Hey guys. I used that very code and it worked.

    this is the example:


    Activate adserv in the plugins section
    2) Go to Presentation
    3) Theme editor
    4) Go to a sidebar… in my case ‘right_sidebar.php’
    5) Pick your spot … in my case, under the calendar
    6) put in that code like this… <?php AdServe(“top”); ?>

    Here is the code from my sidebar. I put the code with the header “Sponsored by” between my calendar and my recent post headers. I’m using Hitch-10, 3 column as my wordPress template. See link above.

    Look at the code below; between the first and the <h2>Recent entries</h2> line.



      <?php get_calendar(); ?>

    <h2>Sponsored By:</h2>

      <?php AdServe(“main”); ?>

    <h2>Recent entries</h2>





    Interesting that his very own instructions do NOT give you the correct instructions! grrrr



    Thanks! That helped me too! Works like a charm!
    Looks like I’ll have to turn off my cache plugin though for it to work properly. ??

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