• 18:08:21 22357 / Supercache Late Init: add wp_cache_serve_cache_file to init
    18:08:22 22357 / Supercache Late Loader running on init
    18:08:22 22357 / wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return: 
    18:08:22 22357 / supercache dir: /---edited out----/html/blog/wp-content/cache/supercache/---site name----/
    18:08:22 22357 / No Super Cache file found for current URL: /---edited out----/html/blog/wp-content/cache/supercache/---site name----/index.html
    18:08:22 22357 / In WP Cache Phase 2
    18:08:22 22357 / Setting up WordPress actions
    18:08:22 22357 / Created output buffer
    18:08:25 22357 / Output buffer callback
    18:08:25 22357 / wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return: 
    18:08:25 22357 / Anonymous user detected. Only creating Supercache file.
    18:08:25 22357 / wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return: 
    18:08:25 22357 / wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return: 
    18:08:25 22357 / Writing non-gzipped buffer to supercache file.
    18:08:26 22357 / Renamed temp supercache file to /---edited out----/html/blog/wp-content/cache/supercache/---site name----/index.html
    18:08:26 22357 / Sending buffer to browser
    18:08:26 22357 / wp_cache_shutdown_callback: collecting meta data.
    18:08:26 22357 / Did not write meta file: wp-cache-a96b454128b01adb4c9de738880d7625.php *1* *1* *1*

    I’ve done SO much getting this all to work. And honestly, it does work great now and there are no apparent frontend errors (still working on getting my wp-admin panel to not break on me after a day or two of super cache automatically operating).

    However, I do notice that when my cache is empty and I use a different browser to visit my site to generate the first cache page the above code is what comes in. My question is why do I often see that there is no meta file being written.

    How important is it that the meta file gets written? Why does my site seem to work fine even with this apparent misfunction? Could this be the reason my admin is breaking down to 500 errors or is it unrelated? Any info is very helpful!


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