• On the featured image of my page, I’m not seeing the markup I would expect if the image were being processed correctly on the server side.

    – Missing the data-src
    – Missing the data-srcset
    – The src wasn’t changed to the Base64/png
    – Inspecting the source, the main image is being loaded from the server, no matter what the browser size (no smaller image for mobile)
    – Lighthouse shows the large image being pulled which is increasing the Largest Content Paint, which increases the load time.

    Other images on the page also don’t have data-src or data-srcset being added to the image. The class gets changed to lazyloading, but that’s the only indicator something happened.

    Setup: Elementor
    Hello theme (supplied by elementor)

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann


    Hi @scott555,

    I noticed that you also have the lazy load option of WP Rocket active, I would not use two lazy loading solutions at the same time.

    Do you use the Lazy Loader option to process the complete markup of the website?


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