I got a bit further, I looked into the problem and found out that the keys (field.data.key) needs to be different.
So I got it this far working that it works in my situation. But when you use multiple flexible content fields I think it won’t work at the moment.
Changed script.js:
window.acf.addAction( 'ready_field/type=flexible_content', function( field ) {
var fieldKey = '';
if(jQuery('.acf-flexible-content > input').attr('name').includes('_field_')){
//Clone field
var fieldKey = jQuery('.acf-flexible-content > input').attr('name').split('[');
fieldKey = fieldKey[fieldKey.length - 1];
fieldKey = fieldKey.substring(0, fieldKey.length - 1);
//Base field
fieldKey = field.data.key;
var hidden_layouts = window.acf_hide_layout_options.hidden_layouts[fieldKey];
// for each layout in the flexible field
field.$el.find( '.layout' ).each(function( i, element ) {
var $el = jQuery( element ),
$controls = $el.find( '.acf-fc-layout-controls' ),
index = $el.attr( 'data-id' ),
//name = 'acf[' + field.data.key + '][' + index + '][acf_hide_layout]',
name = jQuery('.acf-flexible-content > input').attr('name')+'[' + index + '][acf_hide_layout]',
in_array = -1 !== jQuery.inArray( index, hidden_layouts ),
is_hidden = in_array && 'acfcloneindex' !== index;
var $input = jQuery( '<input>', {
type: 'hidden',
name: name,
class: 'acf-hide-layout',
value: is_hidden ? '1' : '0',
var $action = jQuery( '<a>', {
'data-index': index,
'data-name': 'hide-layout',
href: '#',
title: window.acf_hide_layout_options.i18n.hide_layout,
class: 'acf-icon dashicons acf-hide-layout small light acf-js-tooltip',
$action.prepend( $input );
$controls.prepend( $action );
if ( is_hidden ) {
$el.addClass( 'acf-layout-hidden' );
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.acf-hide-layout', function() {
var $el = jQuery( this ),
$layout = $el.parents( '.layout' ),
$input = $el.find( '.acf-hide-layout' ),
value = $input.val(),
newValue = value === '1' ? '0' : '1';
$layout.toggleClass( 'acf-layout-hidden', newValue );