• When I try to use the plugin with the Ajax setting enabled, I get the following error:


    Something unexpected has happened along the way. The specific details are below:

    textStatus: parsererror
    errorThrown: SyntaxError: JSON parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

    <div id=”content-protector-unknown-error” class=”content-protector-incorrect-password”>Something unusual has happened. Contact Content Protector cannot find your shortcode in this post</div>

    It works fine when I remove Ajax though.

    Any suggestions on how to proceed?



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  • Is your shortcode in a Post or Page? AJAX mode won’t work if it’s not because the shortcode looks for itself in the post content of the current Page/Post; if, for example, you’re using do_shortcode() to activate the shortcode in a Theme template, Content Protector will never find the shortcode to process since it’s not in the post content.

    Thread Starter twelvesteps


    The shortcode is in a Page.

    Do you have a link I can check out?

    Hi. i have the same problem.
    i’m using your wonderful plugin into bethemes and i have used it inside another shortcode of tabs. (for ex. [tabs][tab1][content_protector password=”something” identifier=”someone” ajax=”true”][/content_protector][/tab1][/tabs]

    it is working without ajax, but when the page is reloading it goes again to the first tab (obviously) and then the user have to go again to the tab that the content was protected.

    is there a way to solve and run it with ajax?

    thanks in advanced

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