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  • Not working me too. Plugin version, WP 3.5.2.

    After link HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error)

    Plugin Author Eric Mann


    The plugin does work with 3.5.2.

    Please flush your permalinks.

    It was not a issue with flush permalinks, but never mind, I decided for another plugin. Thanks for your support.

    Plugin Author Eric Mann


    I’ve just released version 3.0. This version contains significant changes to the download system that will prevent broken permalinks and large files from triggering 500 server errors.

    How could I “flush” the permlinks?

    I updated to version 3.0 then the plugin does not work suddenly.

    Download was ok with the previous version, after upgrading it to ver. 3.0, it displays a page with a very awkward blank page with three column with the details of the publication on the third column (I do not use three column on all my pages) but the PDF file was not displayed.

    Is there any step that I have to do when upgrading to version 3.0 from the previous one? Can I revert to the previous version?

    here is an example

    Plugin Author Eric Mann


    If you need to revert to an older version:

    1. Deactivate the plugin
    2. Delete the plugin via FTP
    3. Install an older version from ZIP ->

    Thank you. I have reverted to version and the plugin worked fine again. I am using WordPress 3.5.2 anyway.

    I reckoned that the when the download link was clicked in this version, the App returned an address of to the browser, whereas with version 3.0, the link returned was as in the example above. Does it give any clue to you what has happened to prevent version 3.0 to work on my site?

    I wish that you may find solution to fix it and I am looking forward to an enhancement to the new version that I may use. Thank you very much for all your hard work on this plugin and endeavoring to make it better.

    For the time being, I have no choice but stick with version

    Plugin Author Eric Mann


    The difference in the link is intentional. The regular link ( is a landing page for the publication and is meant to display the publication’s information, along with a pair of links to either open or download the publication.

    From what I saw on your site, the problem is that the default landing page template is incompatible with your theme. The landing page template is the file /includes/single-publication.php and is based on the WordPress default themes.

    To customize things, you’d need to drop a copy of single-publication.php into your theme and modify it to fit the sidebar placement of the rest of the site. Unfortunately, this is a case-by-case customization thing and not something I can predict or prepare for in code.

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