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  • olej891 – good to hear, you’re welcome.

    nate.taylor – ah, I think the fact that you have PHP errors set to display to the screen is actually the problem. Go into your php.ini and change it so that they go to a file rather than the screen and then try again. Alternatively, change it so that notices & warnings do not go to the screen. That message I put in the previous update begins “Notice:”, so it’s probably not a fatal error. However, the fact that it’s being printed is causing it to go into the JSON ajax response, which makes it corrupted as far as the javascript is concerned (it can’t parse it). EBD may generate some warnings and such and even SQL errors that can essentially be ignored. If you don’t want to turn off screen warnings in php.ini then you could edit email-before-download.php and download.php and turn it off at the top of each, though, really, for security you should probably log to a file rather to the screen anyway once you have a live public website.

    ATTENTION EVERYONE– please do not start any more new problems in this ticket – open a new one instead. This one has too many replies and is getting confusing.

    If you are updating a problem that you already detailed in this thread then go ahead and update here, but otherwise start a new thread please.

    dtynan – absolute star!
    I actually just had WP_DEBUG in wp-config.php set to true, as it’s in development, so i was wanting to see errors.

    It makes complete sense that it was breaking the JS, however searching the js console, the actual source, and the elements for the message “Notice:” I couldn’t see it anywhere. Usually when there’s a php error it’s right at the top of the page, or at the point at which the include has failed. I guess I’m just freaking out as to why I cannot find it.

    Thank you so much for you help on this.

    nate.taylor –

    The way I found it is to use the DevTools in Chrome or Firefox (which is Firebug in Firefox but it’s built-in now so they call it Developer Tools or something like that).

    So I put it on the Network tab in the Tools. I also make sure “Preserve Log” is set to True or checked or whatever (not necessary for this because it’s ajax, but sometimes people’s ajax doesn’t work & it does a normal HTTP POST which will clear things). Anyway, I then fill in your form and hit submit and it -should- (and in your case does) log an ajax call.

    In Firefox, there are some little subtabs of the Network tab that let you filter by the type of calls — html, javascript, flash, xhr (ajax), etc. That it makes it a bit easier to find the transaction. They used to have that in Chrome devtools but it seems to be gone or I can’t make it appear or something, which is annoying. Anyway, once you find the xhr transaction (which is a POST, just done via XmlHttpRequest) then you can click on it and look at the parameters and variables that were sent and the response and stuff. The response should be plain JSON, but in yours there is a PHP error message jammed in front of it. I should have realized immediately that that shouldn’t be there, but I guess my brain wasn’t fully engaged and I went chasing the actual cause of the message without realizing that it was just a warning & the warning itself was what was breaking things for you. I’ve seen that 3 or 4 or 5 times, but somehow still forget sometimes.

    I assume you aware of the Developer Tools stuff, but I put extra detail above just in case you aren’t or for anyone else who has nothing better to do than read long rambling support comments ?? Good luck! — Dylan

    @m&S Consulting: It would be most appreciated if you could confirm whether or not you have been able to reproduce the problem based on the information provided in this thread? If so, what is the next step to finding the cause and hopefully a suitable resolution rather than the work-around?

    While the renaming of the Contact Form 7 email field to the default seems to be a work-around, until the cause is known, there cannot be any confidence that another issue related to the same cause may arise during a future WordPress update.

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